
I'm actually right across the street from ESPN haha. Weird.

Central Connecticut - nothing. No one in my entire office felt anything.

Hand gestures doesn't mean he's copying Steve Jobs, it means he's copying Italians.

I can see a new internet meme.

I think Thor wins point for point...

@bigPixel: I think Better Off Ted's biggest problem was how ABC showed it. They played new episodes in the SUMMER with almost ZERO advertising, then they paired it with that crappy Scrubs with the new cast. No wonder it got low ratings.

I just turn off all Facebook emails. I go on enough to see notifications. Also, Facebook now groups similar notifications


@jms: For that joke to work, it should say "Finally being able to make a call on an iPhone."

@CardboardDoom: Yeah with the amount of music I've downloaded on Zune Pass, it'll take my YEARS to have spent the equivalent money that I would have on Amazon or iTunes.

@JohnnyJboss: Sometimes I just get into a particular mood, like I want to listen to a certain type of song. Last.fm is great for that because I can just keep skipping. Plus, I love all of Last.fm's scrobbling features and integration. I'm a big data whore.

@TYg3r28: Took a lot of effort, but totally worth it. Thanks a lot!

@JohnnyJboss: I do. Pressing Thumbs Down still uses a skip, if you have one.

It's about time. Swype is a really great keyboard.

I'd suggest Last.fm over Pandora anyway. No limit to how much music you listen to, no ads in the mobile version, and unlimited skips. Plus, it has millions more songs. Hell, my band shows up on Last.fm. It's pretty cool.

The Nexus One doesn't officially have a 720p video. It's only accessible through unofficial means, and wasn't available at launch.

@Jakooboo eats Daleks for breakfast.: Yeah he's rolling SOMETHING.