
@mipakr: Nah I actually have pretty good vision. Do you cross your eyes or just make them go out of focus?

Any tips besides "screw with your eyes focus?"

So, push notifications don't actually work, right?

@houkah: I actually use Swype too, but I like the Gingerbread keyboard for entering weird things, too. But the Gingerbread keyboard is my favorite "normal" keyboard, and I've tried them all.

Weird, this always happens to me. Everything I search leads to NSFW porn.

I can't make this work.

@AreWeThereYeti: Hell, especially because the Nexus S only supports T-Mo in the US for 3g. I have the AT&T Nexus One, so I do not want the current Nexus S.

@Platypus Man: I installed the Sense keyboard on my Nexus One by installing the apk file. I loved it. I installed the Gingerbread keyboard when it came out, and it's way better. More accurate, better predictions. I type a lot faster after using it for barely a week.

@walkingagh: I agree completely. I don't get the naysayers either. I just built a pretty high end desktop about a year ago, and can still do anything with no trouble. My 5 year old ThinkPad is now basically a netbook. If I want to do any heavy work, I use my desktop. The only thing I use my laptop for is surfing

The quality of the "creature" is so bad that I hope it's NOT viral marketing. Look at the image at full resolution. It's horrible.

For anyone wondering, its ALMOST the same trailer as the one that leaked (the shorter one). There are definitely some differences, and a few new scenes. Nothing that drastic though.

The US Navy: Keeping the world safe from Transformers climbing ancient structures via railguns since 2009.

I was seriously waiting for the little girl to slam the lid shut after she dumped the ice cream on the keyboard.

My parents just talk smack about their same-age friends who use Facebook.

This is awesome! Wish I had one.

@TrooperSquirrel: Yeah they definitely do make dumb movies (WRESTLING YEYUH) but I don't understand these commenters saying that SGU is the only decent show.

Jeez so much hate for Syfy. Am I the only one that really likes Eureka and Warehouse 13? I love freak-of-the-weeks.

@Tony Chavez: The Avengers he's writing on is the new Marvel one, not the old movie.

@Malcontent79: Apparently the new one due out in two years.

@MrGOH: Uhh, the Avengers isn't out yet?