I hope it does. I'm stuck on AT&T, so a mass immigration of iPhone users to Verizon would nicely free up my network a bit.
I hope it does. I'm stuck on AT&T, so a mass immigration of iPhone users to Verizon would nicely free up my network a bit.
@Trickyhop: OK, no, you're wrong. This time, you open up your Facebook app and go to settings. Under "Notifications", the only options are Messages, Friend requests, and Event invites. That means those are the only notifications that show up in the Android bar. They are check boxes.
@Trickyhop: No, you don't get it. I have all of that done. There are only three types of notifications you can get:
@Trickyhop: No, it doesn't work. Oh, maybe I'll get an invite for an event, but I really don't care about those. If someone comments on something, no notification will show up in my Android bar.
Still no notifications in the Android bar, so I don't care.
@comrade_leviathan: Already commented there as well ;)
Didn't Microsoft make the biggest picture, of the night sky?
@goaliegeek: My live wallpaper used 1% of my battery today. Oh no. How will I ever manage? Better get that 1% back. At least my phone doesn't transmit megs of data every night.
Why not just say print?
Quickdesk is probably a better alternative, and free.
Or you could just use Google Skymap.
The real reason I'll miss the Nexus One, and savor mine :(
I would be more impressed if someone deep inside the Mariana Trench FaceTime'd someone at the summit of Everest.
My Nexus One with Froyo gets 176?
@Natemx: teehee :)
@mr_bigglesworth: I used CHDK once, but lost the memory card I installed it on. I spent a lot of time searching but found very little documentation, and eventually gave up. That was a couple years ago though.
Damn my point and shoot's 15 second long exposure limit :(
@onitsukatiger82: What don't you understand about the duel? Predators are very honorable creatures. They typically don't kill unarmed men, unless given a reason. When the Pred saw the Asian guy with the sword, he decided to duel him because he thought the guy had balls. Made perfect sense in the Predator universe.
You shouldn't call it the gorilla test, because we pretty much will expect a gorilla...
@WampaCow: Lol. I have a Nexus One. My mother gets a pretty sweet deal from work.