
He says he didn't really do anything, but did he use the iPhone app to say he has bad service at his house? I don't think AT&T would be dumb enough to just ship one out randomly, without checking to see if the guy actually needs one first...

The worst part is that my family has been customers for longer, and have had bad service in my house since before the iPhone launched, and we won't get anything, just because we don't have iPhones. We aren't as valuable as a mostly-iPhone family, even though we have the same issues.

The best is the file name.

@FrankenPC: You must have had the sound off, because the Avatar blu-ray has THE BEST audio of any current blu-ray.

@NuevoLeon: Because it went up from 9 to 13. An increase of 4 points. The increase of 4 points is 44.4% of 9%, so their share was increased by 44.4%.

@pantsonfireliarliar: True. It's just that it was a bit misleading. Plus the touching up...though you could teach that to yourself. It's just that anyone with lighting like that can likely afford a nice DSLR, and likely bought that first...

You don't need professional quality camera equipment, but you need professional quality lighting.

I actually was really hoping Logan Lerman would get it...ah well, hopefully this kid will be good. Haven't seen him in anything...

@sephycloneno15: You know, I've read about him directing for like months it seems, and never noticed his name...

@ilovetofu: Yeah see, this like proves my point lol. You didn't notice because they left Zappos alone to continue being awesome.

That's great and all, but Facebook notifications on Android haven't worked correctly since I got my Nexus One. Who works on that, monkeys?

This is cool, as long as nothing changes. I loved Zappos before the acquisition, and just as much after.

What's the point of calling it "Apps" if it's only ever iPad and iPhone apps? Unless I'm mising something...

Yes please, release some strain on my precious network :(

Now playing

@Realityism: Disregard everything I'm about to say:

These are BEAUTIFUL. Guess I'm saying bye to a lot of my money.

This looks like a collection of my old desktop wallpapers.

All that screen real estate, and no awesome 4-screen wallpaper? Disappointing.

@ngiardina: I disagree. A robber would, in that instance, not go after the ghetto house. Why rob a poor house with bars and get a hundred bucks when you could go to a bigger house in the country and walk away with thousands?