
Just the same. Unless she was racist, which everybody assumed because she complained about a child who has a few % of African genes. It wouldn’t cross the mind of anyone that it could be because of the noise, because of some mental disease, craziness, a riculous desire to feel important, or just bored. NO it has to be

I live in the midwest.

Have an Element, license plate is 5th. Your arguement is invalid.


Did you try it in Sport mode though? Don’t see that really mentioned in this article, apparently it’s supposed to tune the car to be more responsive, hold gears and better respond to shifts etc.

He looks like Michael Caine got drunk in Northern Ireland, had sex with a Pooka, and he is the hairless product of the nauseating union.

Without reading the article, sack this piece of shit already.

So basically the Russians are that little shit that points close to your face and says “I’m not touching you, I’m not touching you...”. That is until they get shoved into a locker.

Honestly, if you (1) went to Syracuse, (2) played lacrosse, (3) looked like a douchy frat asshole, and (4) were named "Hayes McGinley," how could you not totally expect to get the Jesus Fucking Christ beat out of you at least once in your life by a guy named Big Jim Whitcomb.

Unfortunately that doesn't matter. Streets or sections of streets are classified differently based on their respective speed limits. The F-250 obviously was a jerk and got what he deserved. But she should have moved, and put the phone down.

The guy tailgating is a fucken asshole. The reason you pulled up next too her was too give her the one finger salute, okay you made you point now hurry up and pass fuck face.

I agree 100%
on the woman's youtube page - " I couldn't move over because there were trucks in the right lane," - you don't see a any vehicle in the outside/slow lane until the 45 second mark of this video, AND she said he had been tailgating her for about 3 minutes. Safe to say she could have prevented all of this.

You could make a very solid legal argument that she incited and contributed to the incident enough that she should be arrested along with the F-250 driver.