
What’s the point of a lookalike car if the windows aren’t tinted?  

Sure is, that’s the Weirs entrance to Paugus Bay on Winnipesaukee.

My second car in high school was a 1991 Plymouth Laser (same as the Eagle Talon, Mitsubishi Eclipse.) Only had it for a few months though, went back to my ‘89 S-10 Blazer when snow hit and realized this thing refused to snow. If I weren’t on week 5 of 6 away from home I might be able to dig up a picture for you guys.

I say capture her and make her cersei-shame-walk through who-gives-a-shit-where for the rest of the series. But don’t dare cut that hair. :)

The most unlikely vehicle is what I currently drive, a 2008 Cadillac Escalade.

Weird that you wrote an article on the exact headrests I used to munch on when I was a kid. My Mom had an 80's 240(?) Volvo wagon and I chewed pieces off of them.

We had one of those unmanned prototypes operating out of our base in Afghanistan. They used the hell out of that thing. We would often see it resupplying smaller outposts.

Appreciate the info! I’m curious to know which systems you think are better or worse than Eyesight.

The latest safety tech on this car is it’s Eyesight system. You said the car you were given had the feature, but would you care to elaborate on how well(or not) the system works?

I’d say “achievement unlocked” for the guy with the camera who managed to keep the camera on the action instead of dropping it and running.

That oreo looks delicious!! When do those come out? :)

My second vehicle was a 1991 Plymouth Laser Turbo. Loved that car for the summer and fall, but as soon as it snowed I put it away for the winter and ended up selling it. It was pretty quick, I had a lot of fun in that thing. Got it up to 125 one time. In theory I think it had a top speed of 140+(?)

Never know, could just be a dream sequence...

My first vehicle was a 1989 S-10 Blazer manual 4x4 2 door. This was around 1995. My Dad and I responded to a newspaper classified. They had it listed as a 4.3L. When we arrived we realized it was actually the 2.8L. It was in such good shape and such a great deal that we bought it anyways. I would have loved that


The back seat looks pretty small. I don’t suppose a convertible, rear-facing car seat would fit there? Or even a regular rear-facing car seat?

No CONTRA?! They managed to leave out the game with the most famous cheat code of all-time??


I was just down there last week. Here’s a quick photo I got in the city. Notice the sweet chrome spoiler on the hood and the big Mercedes emblem on the grille. :)

I was originally thinking something like “funny guys driving cars and being funny” but I like yours better, although a variation of it: “Three blokes driving cars and telling jokes”