
You’re conflating these instances. In one its an internal discussion about events that may be modern politics, job dynamics, compensation, etc. — This is for management and the employees to discuss what’s going on and come to something that may benefit them and the company.


I’m interested in returning but at the same time I’m a little hesitant. I stopped playing when there were all those bunkers and Rasputin was the crisis saving de jour. It’s been a hot minute since then.

I agree, I really am not qualified to solve this problem, and I wrote my initial comment in a moment of exhaustion and frustration. The nuance of the situation, coupled with the attempts to shift the narrative to focus only on Israel and ignore the plight of Palestine, its a lot.

This is such a hot mess and a transparent lie. What probably happened was this:

This is why our education system needs to be revamped. So many people don’t understand what socialism would look like in our country or anything so they conflate it with things like communism.

First I wanted to say thank you for the congratulations. It means so much to me that I was able to finish the rough draft (sans a very short epilogue) and I never thought I’d get to this point. I’ve been writing short stories for years but this was my first “big” project.

I’m sure this has been said already, but I wanted to add my two cents and my own anecdotal experience.

I remember that story, so I believe you’re right. They’d also have to do some tweaks to the UI since the game was designed around the touch pad.

Plz Nintendo, please give me a Switch port of Xenoblade Chronicles X.  I need my mech suit and Swano Music.  

This is what happens when we continually attack Unions and strip the workforce of its protections that had been so prevalent decades ago. Without collective bargaining a company is going to exploit the worker as much as they can and let you burn out.

These are legitimately really pretty.  They kind of remind me of the Yokai Watch medallions in terms of composition and colors.  

I really do feel for the WoW community. WoW has been a place many of us have spent hours in and had amazing adventures, and to see it start to decline is just disheartening.

Ahhh, thank you! That answers a lot of my questions. It sounds intense, honestly.

I don’t know, I feel like any game that had started production pre pandemic gets a pass to the next release quarter. Transitioning does take time and effort and production changes. 3-4 months isn’t insane, either, in the grand scheme of things.

So help a fool whose felt intimidated by this behemoth of an online game understand a bit of its eccentricities.

I remember when Ash first went to the Vermillion City gym and we saw Raichu for the first time...and just being in awe of the fight. Raichu has been one of my favorite pokemon since then.

There is a fine line between doing well for yourself and doing well for others. Moving on to another company may be the best solution for the short term it doesn’t mean it changes the systemic issues in the industry, or with the company in general.

Maybe not, but you also have to realize nothing is done in a vacuum. Look at it this way, this letter is being covered in the press and PR is the one thing they need right now, this is just adding another coin to the scale to make them hurt enough to change.

Follow up! So does that mean I need to do the 1.x stuff or is there a story mission that I can go to for the new zone?