
If you liked Kashimash, you should try Wandering Son. It's a more subdued take on the transgender experience, where a trans girl and a trans boy meet, come out to each other and develop a friendship. Plus it is beautifully animated!

Etsy has a feature where you can request custom work or repeats of previous work. Contact the artist, he or she may be willing to work with you.

Guess you'll just have to track down the seller and blackm.. uh, convince them of making another one for you.

Leopold the Leopard was tired of eating gazelle and impala every day. "It's time to spice up my diet," he thought to himself.

Hands down cable. Its a crossover.

Moya from Farscape

Cersei, Sarah Conner, Gorgo, Ma-ma. Lets just agree that Lena Headey is not just the toughest mother, she's at least three or four of them.

Charlotte, the spider.

The impressive part is that she made it so far while being, basically, rock fucking stupid.

What can I say? When a woman gives birth with a pulse-based weapon in hand, in the middle of a major firefight that had virtually zero chances of survival...does that make her tough enough?

My favorite part was when Icky said Franklin always needed to be the smartest person in the room and Abby said "That must've been tough for you" (paraphrasing).

I loved the moment with Moloch's subtitles so much. What language is he speaking, do you think? Demonish? It sounds a little like Mordorese, so maybe they are from the same root language of Early Proto-Darkish.

Could not stop looking at this.

Watching this gave me hives....

And a blue and a yellow one

Come on. CW 2nd tier hero with vapid pretty actors. How could it be good?

Notice other countries only copy American stuff that works. Nobody is trying to copy the anti-ballistic missile system.

Don't forget Band-aid!

What really happened:

Vasiliy and Setrakian are the Frog Brothers.