
Unfortunately, as a kid all I got out of the repeated losses was a sense of boredom, to the point where I would stop watching for a good while once each successive League started because I already knew the outcome and following it wasn’t worth the effort, only coming back when new seasons were announced.

I have a pet pig. Not a potbelly, or a teacup, but a full on pig. Best pet I ever owned hands down. He's just shy of 400 pounds and he lives largely as any dog who is kept inside would. He's housebroken and outside of activities stays indoors. We go for walks when it isn't too hot out and he likes to play fetch.

The second I saw Carol take that chocolate, I knew that was her fatal flaw.

Yep. Every single time there is article about stuff like this, all the roaches crawl out of the woodwork and start spewing racist crap about all Asians.

I'd recommend Robert J. Sawyer's WWW Trilogy. An AI that becomes aware within the Internet. An AI that can stop all spam? Hell yeah! Seriously though, good books. Try them out.

Man, hate it when I'm at work when CJA posts a great topic. But are we not forgetting an obvious one?


Always be yourself. Unless you can be Felicity Smoak. Then always be Felicity Smoak.

Everyone, EVERYONE said, "Oh, another CBS procedural", but I saw so much more in the first episodes:

Does anterograde amnesia count? Because if so, I offer the following...

A cold opening with our audience POV character coming to sudden grips with not knowing who he is... the scene where he talks to his reflection in the store window and starts losing his composure is intense.

Here you go:

Corwin, in "Nine Princes in Amber".

When there was only one set of footprints, that's when I was carrying you because my penis was stuck inside you.

Dresden Files TV Series.