
Once? Pikachu is always a jerk. :>

I assume, in the show at least, this is a real world practicality thing. The zombie makeup process is pretty arduous I've heard, and child actors have some (very appropriate) tight regulation on hours worked and such. So I expect it is something they will only do sparingly as it would be a real pain. is a direct replacement of Google Reader. I am unsure if they had the actual Reader code, or just backward engineered it, but it is the answer for people who miss GR. I moved there and haven't looked back. =)

Now playing

Bit late to the game, but it is by Ikuhara, who did such things as Utena and Penguindrum. It is very surreal and has symbology on top of symbology wrapped in weird. That said, it is pretty fantastic and a great skewering of the class-s relationship concept in yuri anime, that typically erases sexuality and actual

Isn't that more like 900%? 100% markup on 10 bucks would be 20 bucks.

People don't watch The CW to not see pretty faces.

I love that. For once, they went the low-drama route. And honestly, 'Thea is angry because people lied to her!' is getting kind of old now.

I think they are using it sparingly because, really, she's not the Canary. Ultimately I think she will form her own identity (Manhunter seems to be what most people think? I'm not a DC reader so only know what I gleam from the show and comments. :) and whoever takes up that mantle will then use them appropriately. If

As a vertan of, I agree.

There used to be lots in the 'first world' areas too, but we killed them off quicker so now we can pretend they were never there and we're not like those dirty corrupt brown people.

Too late. :(

Erk. You know, there's a truism that any sentence starting with, 'I don't want to be racist/sexist/bigoted but...' is best not posted. You should have followed it. Also, Asians .are. normal people, just FYI.

The WWW trilogy by Robert J Sawyer should definitely be on this list. Just experienced it for the first time myself and it was really amazing. Re listening to it now with my daughter, who is also loving them. As a bonus, it has a strong female main character, and deals with several disabilities (Blindness, autism) in

My first thought as well. :)

Not all hospitals in the US perform abortions. In fact, very very few do. There are entire states that might have one in the state, and that one under extreme protest, threats of violence, and struggles to exist. Also, mandatory waiting times assume that people need to be forced to Think Really Hard About What They

The difference, I feel, is focus. Joker harms Gotham to hurt Batman. Doom harms Richards (sometimes) to do Something Else.

One of the few webcomics I stopped reading, not because it wasn't good... It is, in fact, amazing. But I just couldn't follow it and it got quite frustrating. But man, it is so gorgeous and so detailed, and I love the way they occasionally solicit in the comments for what happens next.

Welcome to modern television, where there are only 'massive hits' and 'cancelled'. It drives me bonkers and has lead, I suspect, to a spiral of descent where noone wants to commit to a show because it might be cancelled. And then it is. I know a lot of friends and such flat out feel like they shouldn't watch a show

Audible has them all, if you are into audiobooks

Personally, I have always been against her and Ollie having a relationship. I hated that subplot and hope it dies a fiery death. That said, I think she does, and has, had good chemistry with Barry since he was introduced. And I think it would be an interesting link between the shows. I'd love to see it happen, and