
Finally watching this, for the first time. Only finished three eps, but yeah, good stuff so far!

Half the problem was the lack of point. His death felt so... Pointless. It added nothing to the story to me, and ruined everything after. I never forgave Torchwood and am not sad it is gone, after that.

I thought it was because it was her dad's partner, which is awkward as all get out. I also didn't mind him knowing, because, DUH. As he said, he's a detective, and they were as subtle as bricks. I think their 'secret' was unlikely to last past the first date.

I was wondering the same thing. Spent a month or so in Thailand and couldn't function at all because I can't hear the tonal shifts, I can't imagine the hell of a native having those issues.

Being someone who has 'it' thrown at her not infrequently as a dehumanizing expression of disliking my being trans, I will never be ok with making 'it' take that role. I was taught in school that 'they' was the appropriate word, and don't really see the objection. It works.

I find him interesting, and creepy. If he backs WAY off on the stalkering, I wouldn't even mind him being a good fling. But they are clearly going to make him a Bad Guy, so I am not trying too hard to like him. ;)

Yeah. Because we've done that already for several seasons. Lay off the poor-lonely-me angst for a while, guys. I know you can't go so far as letting him be nominally /happy/, but at least get off 'I can never have friends WOE WOE is me'

Hello! My name is Jamie, aka Misty, aka Tzivya. I respond to any of these! I'm a 38 year old trans woman living in Australia. I'm in the process of selling my house and buying a motor home, so me and my family (Lovely wife, two lovely kids) can explore this amazing continent for the next many years.

Came here for this, am satisfied. It is a shame because if it had just been a /little/ better, or a little better timed... I think the actor could have pulled it off. I love him in Arrow. :)

Here's the thing: People already rant at how much noise there is from people talking on phones. Can you imagine the cacophany if everything was voice-controlled? Everyone talking, non-stop, all the time? It would be hell.

I hate you.

I need this! We're going nomadic (Selling the house for a huge-ass RV) and need a firepit, since most places in Australia require them if you want to have a fire! I mean, we wanted a collapsible one, but this is pretty amazing and we'd find the room. :)

Kashimashi - Girl Meets Girl - definitely has lesbian themes, as well as some pretty great transgender themes. The setup sounds mildly ridiculous (Aliens accidentally kill a boy, bring him back as a girl, oops!) but it is clear that the change is a welcome one and the explorations of it all are at the forefront. I'm

You'd really wish this on her, after TB? I mean, I didn't watch TB much, but what I did see didn't make my brain seize like this did. I wouldn't wish this on 4chan, let alone a site I actually like!


*facepalm* For some reson, I was thinking 'Married with Children' instead of 'Malcom in the Middle'. Though I contest Gemma counts for the topic, even if I am dumb. :)

io9 was not saying not to be worried about it in the humanitarian crises sense, but in the 'you aren't likely to get it an die' sense, which remains true for the vast majoratiy of the world. People need to stop throwing this at them like they were dismissing that there was a real problem with people panicking that

Her character in Sons of Anarchy is no slouch.

I interpreted it as he killed the fisherman out of frustration, and possibly the fact that the fisherman SAW him. The sandwich was just 'well, why not? He doesn't need it anymore!'

I want a scene like the one at the end of Tank Girl where someone tries to punch him and it goes all fuzzy because there's no real head there.