
Spoiler, really? I love cute things and somehow knew from moment one that he was just Wrong. ><

Yeah, that bit was pretty ho-hum and not at all true to the original. So I'd definitely like to see a different take on that, maybe trim that down by about 2/3 and add some more interesting trip back or on-earth stuff after. Still, it wasn't the train wreck a lot of the remakes of things from my childhood have been,

I just watched this the other day, and I can't say they were untrue to the source. It was a pretty one-sided story even in the original. For a there and back again story, they skip a lot of the back again.

I like this aspect, but they are going gratingly slow and dragging some things on way too much. At this point, finding Sophia better be something damned epic, like her being kidnapped by a cult of former cub scouts waiting for themselves and her to mature to restart the human population while going all lord of the

Actually, I will point out in the show's defense that she talks to Glenn about this, in the scene where he gives her the pre-natal vitamins as an alternative if she decides to go through with it. She says she doesn't even know if it will work at this point, but she's not got many options. I'm glad she spat them up

You probably won't, because it is not JUST the availability that makes the use prevalent, it is also the economic and social conditions.

I just read somewhere they are re releasing it with a new ending, maybe that will be more to your taste? I haven't seen it yet myself to know, but I hear the ending was generally regarded as a disappointment.

Lies, Gundam has never changed story elements! They just rename the characters and tell it again! It's like reading David Eddings. Sure, you know you are going to read the same story for the billionth time, but hey, cool characters/mecha!

Hollywood, one would expect, since it draws in good English speaking actors from all over the world on a constant basis, most of whom are ignored in favor of glossy white actors that are non-threatening to the People In Charge.

In the not free catagory I've used Vandyke's SecureCRT and SecureFX for well over a decade now, and can't picture changing.

Your dyslexia is not all dyslexia. Something that shouldn't have to be pointed out. For my son it IS more about not being able to tell the difference between things like p and b and d; this font would help him immensely.

Seriously, I have to agree here. I only have a mild touch, enough to ensure that I can't do most things in my head and remembering numbers is a serious undertaking (Random pin numbers are my bane. I won't bank somewhere I can't choose my own.)

It is a shaky area. I am firmly in support of anything that detects things like Downs Syndrome and other truly crippling ailments, but we are also seeing a sharp rise in similar tests that can tell you the child's gender, and parents aborting children because they aren't sons. It is becoming a not-insignificant

I was thinking 'Sarah Palin' myself. >.>

My (very late) bad. Mark Sheppard. He's been on everything from BSG to Supernatural to Doctor Who. []

I buy things from PlayAsia now and then. As for the 3ds, I haven't had a compelling enough reason for it to be worth it, and it also represents a bit of a breaking point for Aussies between the region locking and the ongoing price gouging on games and computer stuff in general. It there is one thing I loe Steam for,

It is so places like Australia, where things often run twice the price, don't have the option of importing it from somewhere less expensive, like most anywhere. Or if they release a game in a less wealthy area (Africa, S. America), people in wealthier areas can't import from there for the cost.

Having seen my chickens when they get their beaks on a grasshopper, I promise you that raptors have little on them in practice.

Matthew Sheppard, because yeah.

I think what needed to happen most to save Miracle Day would have been to compress everything we saw down into, say,5 episodes, and have another layer above The Families. At the end, I felt a bit like the entire 'evil plot' worked great for the people using it to make money/gain power/whatever. Seeing that level, who