No sexism controversy is complete until there’s a press conference with Gloria Allred putting herself in the middle of the story.
No sexism controversy is complete until there’s a press conference with Gloria Allred putting herself in the middle of the story.
Bingo! They just wish those pesky issues would go away quietly, and Sharpton/Allred won’t let that go. They are the sideshow advocates we need + deserve, really. Can’t deny that they get heard.
YES SHE FUCKING DOES NEED TO EXPLAIN IT. People are fucking stupid. And ignorant. And in denial. The deplorables are twisting themselves in knots trying to get the message out that women lie and don’t matter and who cares if Trump sexually assaults women. Much of the country already believes that it does matter. We…
The reason “Gloria Allred” and “Al Sharpton” are dog whistles for the right is because they bring all their publicity baggage to fight for basic human rights. The publicity becomes the joke and distracts from the message only for people who don’t want to hear the message in the first place.
Given how many people are still questioning the women’s motives and timing, I think the more people speaking to this, the better.
Sounds like a great premise for a movie. Although probably not going to be seen by many, as history isn’t important these days it seems, and facts are just inconveniences.
Come on, people. We spell it “gray” in the US. I like “grey” better, too, and I may even like to drop a “u” into words like flavor or color, but if we can’t agree to stick to our often arbitrary version of English, is this even America anymore?
Is it okay if I- white, straight, male- play this game, too? Because I like it!
I read elsewhere that she interrupted people who were trying to interrupt him and told them that they would respect him as he was in her church. And this fucking asshole comes out with this petty, utter bullshit comment that who the fuck even buys, followed by an incomprehensible word salad that amounted to his own…
As a man, I have a great idea.
If women would like to be heard more in the workplace, when one woman makes a point, the other women in the room should reiterate the idea and credit the initial speaker.
I’m just shocked she has face tattoos. SHOCKED!
doesnt matter!!!!!! she was a 17 year old republican! that can never be forgotten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This saddens me. Now there is literally no way he’ll see the inside of a jail cell.
Funny you should ask.
The loud, angry ones are getting attention; it doesn’t make them the majority. (This maxim can and should be applied to most scenarios.)
FUCK, Bernie fans. FUCK. I was with you. I was all about Bernie. But we are in precarious times and this is a do-or-die election. The next president will appoint a fucking supreme court justice, FFS. THAT IS VERY IMPORTANT. STOP BEING DUMBASS CHILDREN AND DO YOUR PART TO MAKE SURE THIS ELECTION DOES NOT GIVE US TRUMP.…
Starred because EVERYBODY needs to see this picture.
To be viewed to the tune of “Nothing Else Matters.”
Your co-workers, IMO no.