How is this even happening?
How is this even happening?
Yes! And her daughter is Lisa Bloom, the attorney for one of Trump’s original accusers (even before Friday’s tape) and so it’s very clear she passed on her mantle of victim’s rights to a new generation of lawyers, especially women, and to her daughter to boot.
No snark from me. Something very similar happened when I was a young college student and had severe anxiety disorders. I was not equipped to handle or even recognize anxiety and so running away and not dealing seemed like the only answer. Hopefully, like me, she will get the tools, support and help to move onwards and…
Spy was funny. But for every Spy, there is a Tammy.
Jacqueline Miranne is also the daughter of Joy Mangano.
Oh this film was so amazing. And Saba’s acceptance of her situation, along with her hope that it will get better for the baby she is carrying was so incredibly poignant. I’m so happy to hear that perhaps Saba’s dream of a Pakistan that is safer and better for women is a step closer to reality.
I sobbed during the Brit tribute even before Lorde came on stage. The limited vocals, the backing band performing as if he was still there, all served to underscore Bowie’s absence. This was a true tribute to a legend - a sad and poignant reminder that he is gone. The Gaga medley didn’t do any of that.
Apparently he was being sarcastic and used Paris Hilton to prove his point.
My mother, a lovely Jewish woman, is always so early that it inconveniences many, and amuses some. So if I didn’t read differently in the comments I would have thought Jewish Standard Time meant being 30 minutes to an hour earlier than expected.
I highly recommend the documentary Filthy Gorgeous which is about Bob Guccione and Penthouse. It’s interesting to note that the magazine started with an editorial and sales team that were almost all women, as it was one of the few publications with a more open hiring policy.
He is a true hero:…
Stars and more stars to this entire thread. Thank you so much for making me laugh today.
After reading your comment I turned off my read receipts as I never realized that having it on was such a bad thing! Thank you for saving me from future embarrassment. Sorry everyone who I messaged before today. #olddognewtricks
God that speech. That speech is worth Tatiana’s loss.
I leave this previous Jezebel article here. Without (too much) comment.…
I think they are just hungry. Or H-angry.
I’m not saying that Todd Haynes has a type, but.....