I want to see less of the Blue Rose costume!
I want to see less of the Blue Rose costume!
It wouldn't go against everything the games stand for. Ivalice has already had multiple epic catastrophes (final fantasies, if you will) and seems to keep coming back for more.
That's not very logical at all. Perhaps if versus XIII was another XIII sequel, but it isn't. And it isn't even a turn based RPG.
But SEGA does what Nintendon't!
That's actually from a Salvador Dali painting: [en.wikipedia.org]...
They were all in the wrong. No one has the right to taxpayer-subsidized transportation.
So they've accidentally revealed their assets, hm?
Anwar Al-Awlaki, his 17-year-old son Abdul-Rahman, and Samir Khan. Assassinated because they were accused of working with Al Qaeda (which Al-Awlaki and Khan were) but were never tried for that or for treason. They were assassinated by predator drone, along with Yemeni civilians, not in combat. Abdul-Rahman was…
Well Obama's already assassinated three citizens.
Unless Svengali claims to have created the Universe, it's a bit different.
If I were taking macro shots and could have every detail in perfect focus I would. The fact that depth of field blur is an inherent flaw in close-up photos has given it a sort of symbolic appeal, but I personally don't think it adds to the image.
That's a false dilemma. I still play with Legos and action figures. I've never liked dioramas or miniature scenes or anything. Perhaps I never had an inner child?
Does anyone else just not really get the appeal of tilt-shift visuals? It seems to me like selective focus is a flaw in optics to be overcome, not artificially introduced. I guess I just don't like miniatures or tunnel vision.
Say the word "railgun" around an anime fan and they'll instantly start telling you about how moe Biribiri is.
That doesn't really reflect actual market exploitation of resources. It's more akin to what governments foster through centralized economic regulation. Regulatory capture allows corporations to engage in destructive production methods because government assumes liability.
You guys don't understand moe.
But the Soviet Union itself was split into the Leninist/Trotskyist left and the Stalinist right.
I think he's talking absolute numbers, not averages.
It's a private corporation.
The stagnant economy is one of Skyrim's biggest national issues. Considering the fact that they use a hard gold currency, there should be deflationary forces at work, and competition between merchants should drive prices down. Instead there is a completely unrealistic international cartel, which implies government…