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The Devil? There’s only one Ultimate Evil in the Whoniverse — Sutekh the Destroyer, and his bunny, Neil.

“The Mulandalorian”

Most likely manslaughter or second-degree, but any death during the commission of a violent crime tends to get kicked higher up the infraction scale.

It’s like the guy who steals an old lady’s purse and runs off. She falls down and hits her head and dies. Yeah. Murder or manslaughter, depending.

I Am Not A Lawyer... My belief is that this question boils down to the Felony murder rule. Since that varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, the answer will vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

Forget all the reasons that Kavanaugh shouldn’t be on the bench. Forget politics. Just focus on the accusations.

From the tweet:


Theranos’s alleged technology was clinical pathology testing. There are doctors who oversee this testing in practice: they’re called clinical pathologists.

I really hope you don’t get butthurt about history and reality yourself because bad history is bad and people who repeat it should be ashamed of themselves.

If you actually look at the statistics, people fighting off armed intruders into their homes is exceedingly rare. You’re much better off investing in better doors and locks, and a good alarm system.

I have to say it’s weird that you’re definitely real girlfriend from Canada is so invested in American politics.

He tweeted out that his building was okay within 30 minutes. How long did it take for him to acknowledge and then gloat about California’s wildfires, again? Over a week?

He doesn’t want to sleep with Robert Mueller.

In a now deleted tweet, Trump tweeted about the Marine “Core” and not the Marine Corps. It was deleted and replaced with the corrected spelling, but President Bone Spurs got DRAGGED as a result:

Nunn Flew Over The Trump White House Mess.

Uptight asshole here with an unpopular opinion: I do not get adults wearing costumes for any non-Halloween occasion.

For many years now ammunition manufacturing has focused on the most “humane”way to put a large game animal down. This translates into almost instant death... no one wants to see a wounded animal thrashing about in the woods. When these types of high velocity bullets are employed against people it’s a miracle that