
They just said on a tv spot I saw that she owns 10% of the company.

If you actually see more scalp then perhaps there’s something to it, but I’ve found that I sometimes have more strands come out when I don’t wash for a while, presumably a normal daily amount but they come out all at once with the agitation of washing.

Yeah, I mean it’s very easy to say this, not having been through the agony of a trial and testifying in public to what happened to me. I can’t really say for certain what type of reaction I’d have if I were to do that.

Just speaking for me, but I think I’d be okay with whatever legal maneuvering had to happen for him to be punished to the max.

This is absolutely true in my experience knowing people exactly like this. People making decent wages in depressed places see themselves as the productive ones that the Republicans are looking out for, protecting them against all their money going to the people looking for hand outs.

I live in VA now but am from PA, which has some of the most archaic alcohol laws on the books. There was actually an article last year saying it’s easier to get heroin in PA now than beer...

Yeah, idk. I’m fairly certain it’s because of NRA lobbying at the national level whereas in states that are always going to be controlled by Democrats they can pass more gun control laws? You’re right, though. That’s why gun control doesn’t work even in states that have it. Because you can literally just get them

I don’t think we should just focus on ammo. I think it should be one piece of larger reforms. Especially if we assume that we will never outlaw assault weapons (to me: anything that’s not a hunting rifle or a shotgun), it seems that making it difficult to reload quickly many times would be sensible. I don’t think that

Absolutely agree with you.

Yeah, I mean I agree that it isn’t a good idea just to go the ammo route. The gun regulation route just seems so hopeless at this point, though.

At a certain point though, I literally don’t give a shit if somebody “likes to” go fire 20 rounds a day, or sucks at bird hunting. They just aren’t allowed anymore. Period. Ammo is also pretty limited use. The uses are: target practice; hunting animals; and murdering people. Sure, target practice and hunting can still

The same way they track and regulate buying pseudoephedrine. Taking down your driver’s license info and flagging you when you’ve purchased too much.

She literally does not seem to understand how anything in the entire world works, based on the things I’ve heard come out of her mouth.

It’s still on! I saw it the other day.

I haven't tried the ultra matte for this reason but I'm a fan of the lippies.

I am not fat so take this with a grain of salt, but i do have a very heart shaped face with a tendency toward wide cheeks (esp in photos). I was terrified to cut my hair into a pixie for that reason but actually it’s been the best haircut I’ve ever had and I’m going on 4 years with it.

Your point about Republicans hating her is spot on. If we think their total lack of cooperation with Obama was bad I don't even want to imagine a Republican congress with Hillary as pres.

? explain?

1. I don’t really understand the argument I’m hearing that Bernie supporters will not show up to the general if Hillary wins the nom. Is that really what people are saying? I plan to vote for Bernie in the primary but will absolutely show up and vote for whoever the Democrat is in November.