
definitely does look like anna paquin

Just FYI to anyone who doesn’t want to give it clicks - that last link about the white supremacy group goes to a really vile white supremacist blog.

We can technically take it any time since we don’t have actual leave benefits, you have to use accrued vacation and sick leave. You can take all your yearly vacation time before you earn it as long as you stay thru the end of the year to earn it back, and you’re allowed to go 240 hours in the hole with sick time.

Also the point he’s made in the past about there being a class element to gun control arguments is absolutely true. I am from a rural area and grew up around guns, although I’m pretty anti-gun now. When upper middle class liberals on the coasts talk about guns, there is often a real condescension behind it.

We did it a few months ago and it’s still going well. We have much less stuff and we are keeping up the folding/clothing storage method. It’s great. The only thing we are slipping on is putting things immediately back where they belong. It takes more the form of a weekly or nightly sweep of papers, boxes, etc. but all

This is what you want!

I do, and that’s honestly why I have been able to do it. I’m coming from Arlington and work off the Mall, so it’s my route is quiet residential streets to trail to Arlington Cemetary to Mall with only a few streets (with bike lanes) connecting those.

No. It’s really terrible. I recently started cycling to work because the metro has become unusable (or at least, you don’t want to rely on it daily).

Nothing I’ve ever tried from Damn Delicious is in fact, damn delicious. I made some creamy pasta from her once that she claimed was like the best thing her husband ever ate. It was SO BLAND.

I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you get back to whatever normal looks like soon. All my best.

i swear i’m not trying to be a “my wedding was cheapest and best!!!” person, but Whole Foods did my bouquet for $35 and i was very happy with it. i just met with the in-store florist with a couple photos from pinterest that i liked and said do what you want similar to these.

HA what WERE those pads? We had a free supply in the nurse’s restroom but yeah they were straight up diapers.

They also come in TONS of colors and not just blue!

Sapphires are definitely in that category of strength as well. But yes, while many stones like morganite (which is kinda popular in some circles right now) are really gorgeous, they’re soft.

I have a similar ring - dark blue oval sapphire with halo in platinum with two half moon diamonds on the sides. I only got a couple “very Kate Middleton/Princess Diana” comments. Most people just said it in addition to “very classic” type sentiments. You should be okay :)

Just in that pic tho!!

tonya kinda looks like Robyn in that pic.

Dan Lipinski is a notoriously pro-life Democrat for whatever reason. So that doesn’t surprise me.

Especially if you have a 401k or similar option available to you through work. Contribute something, get that match if there is one, and take advantage of that. That’s a lot of interest to gain over the course of your career. If you can swing it at all, just throw something in there. It comes out pre tax and goes

I’ve had such a hard time getting doctors to write a prescription correctly. I very carefully explain that I don’t take placebos so I need them to make sure they write that I need 18 packs for the year total (52 weeks, 3 weeks of active pills per pack). It gets fucked up every time, either they write it wrong or the