
Is it gonna work with the next-gen Xbox? ‘Cause I don’t want to drop triple-digit money on a controller that’s obsolete in a year.

It doesn’t even need to be tied to age.

Dungeons & Dragons is, dare I say it, cool now? Or at the very least, trendy.

Dungeons & Dragons is, dare I say it, cool now? Or at the very least, trendy.

This, then, is the true mark of realism in RDR 2.

We have deer that roam through the development I live in. Every now and then, one of them (usually a buck, though I’ve seen it in does, too) will get a burr up their butt and decide they want to fuck with a pedestrian (we’re a walking community, so there are often

I don’t play difficult games. Pretty much ever. A handful of challenging ones, sure. Though, even then, I’m guessing what I view as a fair and proper challenge doesn’t line up with those of the enthusiast masses. Even so, this child of the eighties would invariably default to either forgiving dip switch settings or

I just got off the phone with Amazon customer service as I didn’t get my second code. They said because so many people are buying them at once, the system is down. They are getting people’s name and number and calling you back once they get it fixed. Said it could take a few days before they can get the second code

I just got off the phone with Amazon customer service as I didn’t get my second code. They said because so many

Do you know what makes someone qualify for this promotion? I bought it, but on my checkout page it didn’t say anything about the BOGO card, and I’ve only received the first.

Do you know what makes someone qualify for this promotion? I bought it, but on my checkout page it didn’t say

Fire Half The Managers

As you glance up from your real job and gaze at the rows of offices occupied by “managers,” do you ever get the

Let’s be honest why they are still in business.

Because you requested, and because I literally couldn’t think of anything else ....

As someone yet to upgrade, I'm personally looking forward for a more vast performance gap. I feel like it would justify the jump to next-gen. Every game i've played this year hasn't felt more than a slightly de-rezzed version of the PS4/Xbox1 versions (my bother has upgraded, allowing me to compare). I'd be way more

6 characters, 8 cars and 16 tracks for $12 is DLC pricing done right.

Now this is how you do DLC: 1) Offer a quality, full-fleged game in the beginning. 2) Wait until sales of the game begin to dip, then release DLC to renew interest. 3) Make it outrageous and unique, like you're getting something that's "extra", instead of something that should have been there in the first place.

Super Smash Kart is now a thing.

Reminds me: I would like to see a sequel to Jade Empire. I don't know if it's 2K Games or BioWare that retained the IP.

she took one look at this line up and said "that's cute." and walked away.
