
Poison Ivy ..Cardi B .

Is it gonna work with the next-gen Xbox? ‘Cause I don’t want to drop triple-digit money on a controller that’s obsolete in a year.

It doesn’t even need to be tied to age.

That’s because Ron Perlman was designed, not by some junior staffer or mid level seraphim, but by GOD HIMSELF, to make people fraidy pee themselves just by speaking.

Dungeons & Dragons is, dare I say it, cool now? Or at the very least, trendy.

Dungeons & Dragons is, dare I say it, cool now? Or at the very least, trendy.

This, then, is the true mark of realism in RDR 2.

We have deer that roam through the development I live in. Every now and then, one of them (usually a buck, though I’ve seen it in does, too) will get a burr up their butt and decide they want to fuck with a pedestrian (we’re a walking community, so there are often

The same way every parent has since the dawn of humanity. Watch them when you can, teach them what you can, and cross your fingers.

I don’t play difficult games. Pretty much ever. A handful of challenging ones, sure. Though, even then, I’m guessing what I view as a fair and proper challenge doesn’t line up with those of the enthusiast masses. Even so, this child of the eighties would invariably default to either forgiving dip switch settings or

I’d call them inevitable blights rather than necessarily an evil and both are such because they’re so big. A social network is best when it’s a small community that’s come together because of a specific interest. Old school forums and chat rooms. Places where you can get to know the ENTIRE community and get to know

Wait... what? You can make completely uneducated, horribly misinformed and just plain wrong statements on the internet? This magic power that you have, please share its source... I bet it’s petrified at the bottom of an abandoned outhouse.

When I was a kid, we had this Garfield phone:

I just got off the phone with Amazon customer service as I didn’t get my second code. They said because so many people are buying them at once, the system is down. They are getting people’s name and number and calling you back once they get it fixed. Said it could take a few days before they can get the second code

I just got off the phone with Amazon customer service as I didn’t get my second code. They said because so many

Do you know what makes someone qualify for this promotion? I bought it, but on my checkout page it didn’t say anything about the BOGO card, and I’ve only received the first.

Do you know what makes someone qualify for this promotion? I bought it, but on my checkout page it didn’t say

Being only around 10% effective is reason enough for me to not get the vaccine.

Why can’t we have Lucifer being hunted by some “man in the shadows” type next year, with little hints being dropped here and there about the providence of said main the shadows, only to have that man step out of the shadows 3 episodes before the season finale and it be...

The music of the 90's was awesome. I was born in 66 and I listen to all genres of music. Chris and Soundgarden will always be a part of my life’s soundtrack. Rest in Peace Chris and Thank you.

In fact, Spidey’s taking selfies of himself for decades (with mask on, of course!):