
That... What... But... oh, that's bad. Funny, but bad. No, just bad. But kinda funny. Not really.

Something about that design really makes me wonder if they could pull off the ol' grey and purple again? I think it's the ears. Although... no eyebrows. definitely.

Or, you know, buy a paintball gun and actually... go outside. Sunshine and all.

They were so close to a release date!

Ah, the sounds of litigation being drawn up on a warm spring morning!

So Spirograph and Etch-a-Sketch had a baby? It's actually pretty cool, but that was my first impression.

"estimating exactly"? My brain is not ready for this.

Combine with some sort of kiosk-dispensed NFC device and you could wind up with your own personal waypoint arrows.

It's not a wobble, it's a feature! Obviously it is dynamically adjusting to the warped table it has been so haphazardly placed upon.

Originally referred to as the "No Nude Ferrigno" Law, today it's more commonly called the Big Green Junk Directive within game development and comic circles, in that never, ever shall there be.

I'm afraid, due to internet law, the progression is not allowed to stop there.

Whew... for a minute there I thought they were taking themselves a little too seriously.

Possibly going to age myself a bit here, but... why does everything have to have all it's "benefits" available immediately? Why can't be given (sure for $500, "given", in this case) a quality tool and let the creatives create amazing uses that maybe the tool creator never imagined? Let's ask the WiiU, "Because people

I do... she's 20... I may still have a problem keeping this out of the house.

Pixers? Did "Fatheads" strike a little too close to home?

How about a "No Unaccompanied Children" policy ... f**ktards. And "Adult Night at Legoland", yeah that doesn't conjure any images at all.

How about Pathfinder U?