
At :42... looks like an Alien Punisher?

Has it finally been let go? All this COD dog and no Michael Vick jokes? c'mon... final level; assault on Lincoln Financial Field. Final line just before fade to black... "sic balls". Really?... no one?

Easier than "...an Asus laptop, two Vitas, an iPad, an iPad 2, a New iPad, an iPad mini and the power adapters."

What about cost of the app? Included with the game or is it going to be an extra $20 to get this part of the experience as well. Will someone be able to be a "tablet only" player if they do not have a console?

That's what he said!

Looks like Microsoft is planting some Easter eggs out there. We've just been told that the name of the new system will be Infinity! "How" you may ask? "WTF" you may state... BUT... notice: Microsoft exclaims this will be the best gaming console ever. At breakfast, they serve the best food ever... Bacon. Now then, who

Dammit! Who let the ISS get to under 50 mph?

Can't be held responsible for typos... I was on a role.

Wasn't there a time when taking the work of another (the labor of love that is the broken icon image) and putting it forth as work of your own called plagiarism and not art. Hell, I'm going to go wipe all the pollen off my car, hang the cotton towel on the wall and call it art, as it's "Representative of the ancient

Yeah I bought a Wii U early on and now feeling pretty stupid about it. But not about the purchase itself, but in my error in judgement about the industry. I figured my initial thought of "Wow! Look at this new direction for creativity and ingenuity. I can't wait to see what developers will do with this!" would be the

Now playing

There are multiple settings... go to about 12:30 in this video and they go thru several... the whole thing I haven't watched yet, but looks like a pretty complete run though of the Rift

4K is fine... it's the 3D that scares the hell outta me!

Little tip, especially since this will probably see plenty of time at work... don't accidentally type in Gok"U".com ... so very NSFW. Different kind of "mature board games"! ;)

Do we know the fighter paid for it? Or, possibly, the fighter liked the artist's work, artist said "Sure, Ill hook you up, just tell anyone that asks who did the work." ... in this case it's a logo just like any other Casino.com or anything else that might be on his trunks or robe, and the rights are retained. I have

it's white.... it's rectangular... hell, Apple holds both patents on this bed.

What's your take on privatization of exploration, like the Planetary Resources venture and what do you think that will do for people in or looking to enter your field or some of those associated? ... and less importantly, it sounds like a giant Big Track (with a "few" more options). Assuming you know the old toy, is

Vader as a mystical martial arts master, "SHOOOOOOOOOOOO...'nuf"

No, but black 13 "almost" certainly will come up again in another 10 billion spins.

Guess my trips to Coinstar just got rerouted.