Well, since I’ve been Kinja’d once again:
Well, since I’ve been Kinja’d once again:
Primary Hydrogen production is Methane derived from natural gas, biomass a decade away if sufficiently invested - electrolysis further down the line most likely from electricity at natural gas plants, solar electrolysis if they can find it feasible at all:
We both know it won’t be exciting at all, but one can put it in the blender and dream!
Why do car companies keep the Hydrogen bus alive? Is it green at the tailpipe - sure. Is it a green infrastructure - No, to the point of actually being worse than gasoline.
Wearing an Oculus Rift with some Minority Report glasses I would assume
Agreed, I get the convenience - but we seem to be getting programmed that monopolies are okay.
Oh, I think there will be another implosion and consolidation with the streamers. In these days of big-business capitalism there will only be a few that will win, and those few will buy up and incorporate into those remaining.
I agree full heartedly. It seems the ones that are yelling the loudest about Streamers are the directors that want to make the non-Marvel $200 million-plus blockbusters (and make that much themselves off the backend).
While dramatic, I don’t think Los Vegas rainfall comparison is very adequate for the article.
Shhh, we know what we have up here...
Zorro 2.0... Early 2000's technobabble to an old swashbuckling IP, what a great start?
Very true, also:
That would be nice to have that regulation and would be a good middle ground for use as well as continued innovation to make batteries and motors more efficient.
I mostly agree, except the numbers you picked. With a “fine” range of 150 miles is going to be the optimal, probably rarely reached range. Those of us in cold states would also expect to lose about 40% range in the winter months.
Pretty much. I think the Puegot just uses a torque sensor so the offset weight acts as engagement.
Definitely not available for 3rd party vendors which means it’s still anti-competitive and locked down. A softening maybe, but I agree with iFixit - there isn’t anything of much use to most people. The only benefit I see is not having to go to a “genius” bar again.
Agreed. I keep seeing some artifact in the background right before their hands touch. Almost like a digital erase gone bad in one or two frames.
Dad.... is that you?
If it’s GG2 or Hob Goblin (more comic correct hood outfit) I highly doubt Franco would be attached to any House of Mouse production, he is toxic right now.
Wouldn’t make sense for that scene to have Hulk even if that rumor was true. That was the initial “Hero run scene” and the first time he used Hulkbuster armor. If that was used footage from the cutting floor then it wouldn’t have made sense to have Hulkbuster in there at all.