
I feel similarly. I was in an awkward conversation with a friend once and just played my DS (or PSP, don't remember for sure) and she pointed it out and that it was offensive to her. I've been very conscious of not doing that to people anymore, but still like occupying my mind while I'm uncomfortable.

Paying attention to a sub-sub-sub-sub-sub culture makes you intelligent? Next your going to tell me your favorite torrent uploader as if he's saved your life.

Yeah I sorta feel bad for not getting it yet but I'm still cheap. I got 3 and 4 for like $40. I seem to remember that being retail or a very early price drop.

Bowsers Inside Story had a perfect blend of story and gameplay. Such a great little Mario RPG.

oh, that wasn't listed, that's what I get for trusting wikipedia.

Yeah, that's the one I'm familiar with, there's just the one on PSP apparently.

PSP Yakuza Game(S)? There was more than one?

All true, and we as consumers should also be more positive.

Damn, that reminds me. I still have to get Dead Souls. And here I was starving for another Yakuza game all the while an awesome unplayed version sits on some store shelf waiting for my purchase.

Chicken and the egg, man. Dev's have no obligation to develop for a dead platform (not that I think the Vita is dead but install base is very important when you want to sell games). Sure, it's mostly Sony's fault, they need to develop good games and entice others to do as well, the PSP had a ton of GREAT games

Challenging sony to "prove you wrong" isn't exactly the way to fix the Vita. How bout you give people a few reasons to buy one so that it DOES attract developers and we DO get even more good reasons to buy one. Sure sony has fucked up a ton, Vita fans will be the first to admit that, they'll also admit that there's a

Not only is it possible it is also HIGHLY recommended. That way you don't destroy your perception of the series by playing any of the previous, monotonous, extremely inferior games. That was my mistake. Even P3P couldn't keep my attention. Now I may never play P4 just cause of too many nauseating similarities.

Yeah, I also have extra drives laying around. There's no way in hell I'd send them the drive I use. 90% of the reason I repair instead of replace is to keep my data. I've always repaired locally where they don't wipe drives. Even than I put my old 60 in while they fixed it, just in case.

Why are you guys sending in the hard drive with it?

My interests are picked. I'm plowing through FFIII right now and will play IV on my Vita when I'm done with that. I'm all about retro Final Fantasies lately.

Yup. I feel the same, and loved FFXIII. This seems to happen a lot lately. Reviewers pan one game and applaud another for the exact same things than complain about controls and gameplay as if they've never picked up a controller. Deadly Premonition and RE6 are perfect examples. The feel and play almost exactly like

Gaming is the reason I bought my last phone, the LG Thrill 4G 3D phone, it converted my games into 3D. Playing Final Fantasy 3 in 3D was tremendous. Games are the reason I bought my new phone the Galaxy S III. This phone is ridiculously powerful and it's power is completely useless to the average user. They would be

I sort of agree. Some teenagers and over zealous adults will definitely go faster than they should but once people feel their gas mileage tank they will probably self regulate. I also agree about the Limit Challenge. I think a lot of people do go the limit as if its a minimum more than a maximum. I know I do. I never

I came to do a riff on this but you beat me to it with the original Al line. Jumanji.

This is all too true for me. I snagged AC Revelations and Final Fantasy XIII-2 for like $20 total a few months ago and I'm still plowing through them (FFXIII-2 still in plastic actually but I'm getting enjoyment out of ACR.) I also just pulled Folklore back out of storage for some Halloween fun and I really do want to