Dang. I always thought the necromorphs in dead space were scripted as well. That's cool if they're not but it was completely wasted on me as I never shot one laying down and just dealt with being grabbed.
Dang. I always thought the necromorphs in dead space were scripted as well. That's cool if they're not but it was completely wasted on me as I never shot one laying down and just dealt with being grabbed.
I overused the melee in the demo as well so I'd probably use it a ton in the final game. Sucks hearing that about the ammo though. I did find myself finding plenty more just as I thought I was about to run out.
I like reviews. It helps temper my expectations and also know what to expect. Also if a reviewer shares my point of view it often helps me further enjoy a game.
I hear that, my answer is that it is very scripted and that's simply something I accept out of some games. I also noticed dead bodies everywhere and thought they were going to come to life. I didn't waste ammo on them though but that would be very cool if games were that complicated and realistic. It indeed would have…
Agreed. I liked the beginning, especially the boss fight on the football field. It was fun. I even liked some of the humor. I didn't hate it for the same reasons as everyone else except the one reason that it just feels completely disjointed and un-fun. It is a very interesting time piece though. The mechanics and…
No shit, I can't believe we are the only two thinking this.
Duke Nukem Forever has it's fans!?!?!?
The complaints all sounded terrible and I agreed that if that was the case than the game truly did suck, I just didn't come across any of that in the demo. People complained at the amount of times you had to wait for your Coop partner to enter a flimsy door and although once is more than it should happen I didn't find…
Funny how I haven't seen or hear the word "Patapon" mentioned at all in regards to this game when it very well could be titled "Patapon 4: ogre battles"
I heard all the poor reviews discussed on every podcast and had pretty much written this game off even though I thoroughly enjoyed the trailers. Than I noticed the demo on PSN so I figured what the heck, so far I am completely baffled at the Leon campaign. I have never felt so immersed in a survival horror…
I use my mobile devices primarily for gaming and, yes, I actually like touch screen controls for FPSs and action games but the 10 inch model is unwieldy at those sizes. I personally would rather have a 7inch. I could pop it in my pocket and still enjoy videos with a decent size screen. My wife however uses the iPad…
"There is nothing more sadly humorous than a someone trying to go by a self-conceived nickname."
Yeah, things sure change fast. Anime and Video Games used to be so taboo, now you can't turn on a tv without coming across some anime or see a phone without a dozen games installed. There was a certain magic when the availability was so limited, in regards to both anime and video games.
No shit, awesome games come out every day on mobile phones that I would pay double for just to play them on my Vita.
I deliver in my Black 2004 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V. It doesn't turn as sharp as I'd like and the lowered suspension makes pulling in and out of driveways a bitch but I get there fast and it's fun to drive. I sure wish it had better gas mileage. A vehicle designed specifically for a delivery driver would be nice.…
At least you had Full Metal. Imagine being the only dude in your school who's not only the only one who's ever heard of anime but the only one available is Sailor Moon on TV while I was at work. I had to set a VCR timer to record it. I was however introduced to Final Fantasy by a friend I than introduced another…
I heard about this game on Kotaku and somehow was able to stag it in that hour it was available. I'm already stuck on like the second level. I did however plow through Phone Story in about 5 minutes. I wanted to like Permanent Save State more due to its deeper story and gameplay as well as prettier graphics, but the…
Slander towards iTunes sales methods seems like an obvious reason to reject a title. I must be missing something here.
Competition is great. I hope Origin becomes awesome. But giving a shit product/service a pass just because the good service used to be shit is not awesome. Origin is shit, Android used to be shit, (and still kind of is) Apple's Map app is shit, These will get better, and those who wish to support them in doing so are…
Dear Survey Taking Crybabies