I keep hearing this "steam used to be shit too" just like the argument about Apple maps being now what Google Maps was 3 years ago. No shit people, but Google Maps and Steam work NOW, why in the world would you go back 3 years to a shit program.
I keep hearing this "steam used to be shit too" just like the argument about Apple maps being now what Google Maps was 3 years ago. No shit people, but Google Maps and Steam work NOW, why in the world would you go back 3 years to a shit program.
I rock an LG Thrill now you may or may not know that LG completely blows (or do they suck) in the software department but the hardware never felt better. I've fooled with an S2 as well as S3 and while I'll say I would love either one of those devices they both feel like cheap to us compared to my solid sleek Thrill.…
This is what I want to believe, and mostly agree with you. What happened was they took everything that was good about P4 and put it into P3P, I played P3P for about 40 hours and sometimes enjoyed it while other times did not. I kept powering through it until I couldn't take it anymore. The bad/boring bits out weighed…
I must have ruined the Persona series by starting with P3P. That video literally made me nauseous. Man! I was seriously hoping to enjoy one of the most fussed over JRPGs ever.
I'm all for decently priced games. I think the worse thing you can do is release a game at $1 on itunes. That completely devalues your game and gives you no room to drop it for a weekend sale. I for one won't download a game that's normally priced at "Free" because I like games with soul and "freemium/free to play"…
"Some said it was bad, some said it was good, some even said it was "good-bad."
Dammit, now I have to buy Mario 3D Land again so that I can stop swapping cartridges every time my 3 year decides he want the "other Mario".
Their excuse is always that "someone deserves it." My brother used to break into peoples cars. "Break in" might not be the right term. He only got into peoples cars who left their doors unlocked. To me this is the same as shattering the window. If it's not yours don't touch it, but he used to justify it to me all the…
I agree 100%, I ate at a Vietnamese restaurant 3 times a week for over a year. It only took me a week or 2 to decide and transition to chopsticks. I found it much easier and enjoyable to eat Vietnamese food with chopsticks than with a fork and learned to appreciate the style. What I'm saying is I'd rather eat…
Aw, man, I was so excited to play EFF and Childs Play. Now you're telling me that they aren't really games, they're charities?!?! Damn beggars and their stupid pan handles.
Most people feel the opposite, that happens to be the basis of the Metacritic rant. If you have a great game that reviews well and sells like shit, blame your PR/Advertising Dept. People can't buy games they don't know about.
They're called jobs. They go to work everyday. When they finish one project they move on to the next, MAYBE raking a week or 2 off in between because of the crunch.
The game was first shown to the public in 2009, the trailor they showed was actually shown at GDC in 2008, it was easily already 2 years in development. Also I was wrong about shadow. It launched in 2005. They've had 7 years on Last Guardian already.
You don't understand, Sony. We don't want all these stupid promotions. We want a PRICE CUT. They're different.
Mission grinding was kinda boring but I loved the dialog after every one and made up for. Gameplay wasn't terrible though and at times I enjoyed it.
I liked the PS2 versions because by than I accepted that the level exploration was pretty much throwaway but was in it for the combat and story. Both of which were significantly enhanced for the PS2. 358/2 days is in a similar boat, the end of day scenes are fantastic and outweigh any repetitive level you have to…
But you sure are missing out on the best entry of the series if you skip CoM.
Chain of Memories is still my favorite of the series as far as combat and story are concerned, definitely not a rehash, nor should anyone avoid it. In fact they should play the PS2 version as well as the GBA version, including riku's rebirth track.
Eufloria? That looks familiar, oh yeah, I played that 20 years ago, it was called Galactic Conquest, now available on iOS and Android under the title Galcon. Eufloria is a gorgeous version though. Highly recommend. This too looks like an interesting take on the format.