If I spend more money I can get more storage? oh wait, No, I can't. 16gb is the most they offer which is no where near enough on my iPad.
If I spend more money I can get more storage? oh wait, No, I can't. 16gb is the most they offer which is no where near enough on my iPad.
I wholeheartedly agree. I REALLY want a Nexus 7 but I just can't get passed the tiny storage with no option to upgrade.
You're also right though, if they wanna get married so damn bad maybe they should just propose.
I'm willing to bet 90% of marriages start with the women suggesting it or dropping hints, so essentially, it does come from them.
"Kaharaminttu's "mancreature" told her that he felt it was silly that society always expected the man to propose"
People who don't like it got bored of the Unreal Tournament Mod a couple years back that plays exactly the same, so I'm told.
Really? Pants down? Don't fancy the fly?
The game was/is riddled with IAP, the $1 was barely a demo as is so I imagine all their income comes from the IAP regardless. I doubt they've made any changes as far as ads, etc.
I thought it was because of the ridiculous IAP system and thousands of negative reviews for charging what is pretty much a Free to Play game...That's probably a big reason.
Now if we can all accept that the Last Guardian is/has dried up on the vine we can move on to greener pastures.
Did you miss the part where they praised the Nexus for NOT being 10"?
I'm reminded of God Hand above all other games.
I do that.
All employers ask that. Was that your first interview? Have you interviewed since then?
People who donate 10s/100s of thousands of dollars, those are called investors. Same as always. Different format.
sync with the could = sync with your phone
I'm pleased that it got it's funding. I'm fairly interested in this. Specially if many of the cross platform games could sync with the could. Just imagine transfarring your game save progress from NOVA from you TV to your Android phone, play it with a controller while your home and on your phone while your on the go.…
No, old game/digital download pricing has realigned our perspective. I bought this game for about $5 for my Vita's large beautiful touchscreen with actual buttons and dedicated to gaming. I won't pay a penny more to play it on my telephone.
The CPP made RE:R 10x better and as a lefty KI:U was Damn near unplayable. I notice they are releasing a monster size CPP for the XL though so I can get an even more ridiculous attachment than I already have.
So how am I supposed to play