
Gave me chills, seriously one of the best movies of all time, stealing Fight Clubs long standing reign.

3D? Please be in 3D.

Lemme ask you this, is the vita "mobile" or "stationary"?

"With all that, it was nice to hear from the man himself to help ease the wait."

Do want

Sweet, now I can lose interest halfway through for a 3rd time. But this time in HD.

Yes, yes I will.

google translated page

"The man believes that the offending auto-completions are to blame for a job he lost several years ago, as well as for the difficulty he's had in securing employment ever since."

this game is very playable on a touchscreen although it still suffers from being on the platform due to bald uninspired levels/environments.

Fuck Zelda, this game is as close to Costume Quest as your gonna get on the iOS.

"This will only work with games that can run in their unadulterated form on Vita, which might limit it to vintage games and HD re-releases. Huge games like, say, Dark Souls wouldn't be able to do something similar, because they won't run on the Vita."

All this would be awesome if there weren't so many drawbacks. My particular Android phone model apparently wasn't worthy of timely updates. While Android OS's are phenominal on paper (widgets, backgrounding, full intigration) all of these have major drawbacks, mostly due to lack of programming as a result of non

I thought she wanted to have mario's aborted baby mario...

In death, members of project smash bro have a name, his name.....was Captain Falcon.......HIS NAME.....WAS CAPTAIN FALCON.

I approve this message

Resident Evil Revelations without the CPP 6/10

The gamestop one is a restock since they completely sold out of previous allotments and even now if you click "availability" you'll find many stores "sold out" or "low availability" I had to search all over the map for mine to play Kid Icarus since I'm left handed and even than I had to buy used and have it shipped

That just proves even Sony is still clinging to a dead game. Mark my words. This game will never see the light of day.

Making it look just as good but not tanking the hardware is a bonus in my book. When Doom 3 came out it's engine had no compression whatsoever thus making anything bigger than a tiny hallway almost impossible for anything to run. That was not a good thing. This video looks great, and I'm glad we're moving forward, but