We all know who the toll is here.
We all know who the toll is here.
I couldn't care less if "3" is in the title or not. I've enjoyed every Kingdom Hearts so far non numbered just as much as numbered.
Looks like the Witcher 2 on my 6850.
A single retailer let the cat out of the bag, which sony is anxiously trying to bottle back up. Gamestop held Twilight Princess preorders for almost 10 years. For them to straight up remove a game from their system and return all than money is a pretty big sign. Not to mention 2 of the project heads leaving an not…
Mass Effects combat is no where near the reason people prefer it over Final Fantasy games. FFXIII's combat was among the best I've ever seen in an RPG, and I for one thoroughly enjoyed XIII but do recognize it's lack of exploration. FFXII also had a very good combat system. Frankly I'm surprised among all the things…
The Last Guardian was canceled December of last year, they are just preparing us for that fact little by little hoping we'll eventually forget about it or just not care. I've accepted the fact that the reason I bought a PS3 will never happen, luckily I have returned to being a sony fanboy and haven't touched my 360…
Well now I'm just not buying any of them.
Can't fucking wait. Lords of Shadow fo life.
Tell me again why they don't just make one for all the systems?
except he's schizophrenic, you say potato I say potahto.
This one stars Riko and Sora? You don't say...you know, like the game and every previous trailer for the game?
This is going to be RIDICULOUS, I can't wait, nobody does ridiculous like Japan.
In the demo there was only a single touch control instance and it could easily be remedied with a button, accelerometer is really the only thing a console version would lack but could easily be mapped to the SixAxis or avoided all together since on the Vita you can use the right analog in tandem with the accelerometer.
Much like a Team Ico game I believe it is a fictional language subtitled in English for comprehension, and much like most games, Japanese especially, it's not entirely voiced.
I'll agree that Bulletstorm pulled off the tropical island a whole lot better than Gears 3 did, old dark gritty Gears of War was entirely different than Bulletstorm, and that's the Gears I prefer, but I can totally see People Can Fly pulling off a GoW3/Bulletstorm-esque sequel.
You mean there's a difference. I sure liked Bulletstorm but I thought I was playing it even after I ejected the disk only to find Gears of War 3 printed on it.
The 360's thumsticks are "Concave" the PS3's thumbsticks are "Convex"
They had a BILLION set aside for this so as long as it didnt go over that than yes, both parties should be happy and financials unimpacted.
Don't have Amnesia or Bastion, both of which I've been waiting for on steam sale, sold.
Wow, quite surprised at all the great reception, a well produced pile of shit is still a pile of shit. 15 min was way to long of the same damn internal monolog for half of it.