But then I can see cousin Balki!
But then I can see cousin Balki!
It’s funny, in a not at all funny kind of way, how so many of these bigots *just happen* to find a god whose prejudices line up so perfectly with their own.
“whorish sexual witchcraft”
What the.. mommy? Makes him sound like Frank Booth.
Somewhat related, but I sew. People always want a sewing/tailoring/custom made favor. I have assigned myself exorbitant rates for my sewing work, and my “friend discount” isn’t much of an incentive. Money me! Money now!
God, YES.
I saw it last night, I said this on FB
“Wonder Woman was really really good. Gal Gadot is so charming, and Wonder Woman is the embodiment of what a super hero should be. It’s also gorgeous and the fight scenes might be the best I’ve seen. Patty Jenkins did an amazing job with the everything stacked against her.
Not to disparage mothers’ hearts, but to me, a true parent puts the well-being of his or her child first, ahead of expectations, social embarrassment, or religious conviction.
It actually is funny. And the deaths are tragic. And the loss of property is unfortunate. Many people are able to have more than one emotion at the same time. Laughing at the hot pocket thing isn’t the same as laughing at the people who lost their lives, nor does it detract from their loss.
So you and your companions saved the continent of Thedas from certain doom. What have you done for them lately? Find…
How to make the road to true happiness with tequila?
Hey now. #NotallFloridians.
This is Dear Fancy, Jezebel’s advice column about non-fussy modern etiquette.
The hottest nightclub in town is... HELL. It has everything: Saddam Hussein, KY super soakers, third leg warmers....
And people are still blaming what happened to those innocent people on mental illness. White people must be humanized at all costs. Notice that when the police found him, they gave him a vest and didn’t handcuff him. The life of a white man who kills black people has value but the life of a black child who holds a…
There is not one Abrahamic religion that treats women with even a modicum of decency. How women stay religious is beyond me.
Fuck fundamentalism. Doesn’t matter what flavor.