
I'm gonna get flak for that one, but:

As with the LOTR films, the extended cuts are superior so far, and I anticipate that to be the case with Five Armies.

I won't say it's the best, but one the most fun in recent memnory was in Our Worlds At War. Superman vs. Imperiex. Imperiex was so powerful even Darkseid had to find allies to fight him and in the end Superman supercharged himself to pre-crisis levels to push Imperiex/Brainac into a boom tube that took him back to

The article is quite misleading. They are part of a retailer consortium that includes Walmart, Home Depot, Best Buy etc. to create an alternate system called CurrentC.

I demand an explanation!

My Note 3 came with 32GB and I just upgraded from a 64GB Micro SD to a 128GB Micro SD because I keep running out of space. I do have a good bit of music and take a ton of photos. With only 32GB of storage more than half of it is just taken up by the OS. Not much room to grow on.

The correspondence with passover is coincidental.

Actually, it's really not. The texts specifically state that the last supper was the passover.

The only good thing about Civil War was that I was able to ignore it and read the incredible Annihilation instead.

The trope of "white man fixes history" looms large, especially when Sam leaps into people of other races, classes, genders, sexual orientation, etc.

Is it more or less acceptable if the main character was played by a minority/different gender?

THANK YOU! This is my big thing with the Prime Directive and it kills me when I have to argue with people about it. Seriously, I get not wanting to actually give these civilizations star ships and the like, but if they're truly suffering and at risk there must be some way to discretely help them.

How do you figure?

At what point do we hold people responsible for their own behavior? Condoms are available everywhere...hell...you can get them for free by the handfuls in some places.

I've read a lot about what people there had to deal with. Totally unacceptable, especially as the war had been over for years so there was no hurry to do those tests. Folks who worked the land would get fallout directly on their skin. The DoE and the DoD should be ashamed. Compensation and a complete study of the

Did he live near Saint George? That town got hit frequently with a boat load of fallout.

Gerard DeGroot's (no GOTG humor intended) excellent book, "The Bomb: A Life" relates this heartfelt sentiment from one cancer-ridden downwinder, speaking after Eisenhower's death:

"That dumb old Army president we had — I'd like to dig him up and kick him in the head."


not being a physicist or having the maths required to actually engage these concepts in the only language they can be expressed...is there anything other than 'mathematical possibility' to suggest the multiverse? I just find it very difficult to go from 'the math doesn't rule it out' to 'it's true'.

That would be terrible for you and for consumers generally. Such a partnership would leave you with companies with no market-driven impulse to get better. Competition is what makes things better for the people who buy and use products and services. I know that Apple and Google enjoy both powerful marketing departments

No, I'd like many more actually. It's definitely an issue I would expect Gizmodo to keep up on.