
Quote 1: "That article makes several clear statements that the Republican Party platform would do the exact opposite of promoting internet freedom." This is a matter of opinion. It would be helpful if you gave reasons for WHY you think specific elements of the GOP platform would undermine internet freedom instead

Gizmodo could also cover the fact that the Republic Party just adopted a platform that promotes internet freedom. That might seem more balanced. http://mashable.com/2012/08/29/republicans-internet-freedom/

I try to use full full punctuation. I did the same back in the heady days of AIM. I guess it's a pattern with me.

I present to you James Earl Jones, a black man with a beautiful voice. He did the voice of Darth Vader, a character who, based on his offspring and his appearances on certain prequel movies, was clearly white. Nobody had a problem with this. Nobody should have a problem with a white actress doing the voice for a

Wrong post. Sorry.

I'm still using Flickr. It's what I set up with my family years back, so it's what most of them know how to use. It's also still a main-stay of the Lego community and, since I'm and adult fan of Lego myself, I feel like Flickr still makes a good home.

I choose to honor Mr. Armstrong by continuing to refute those who argue that we never landed on the moon.

It's definitely an improvement over what we've been dealing with since the end of the "star" system. Thank you for listening.

I was thinking the same thing. All you need to do is align the horizontal panes of the Windows 1.0 logo, square off the corners, and it's basically the same.

I had heard of th Wonder Woman bondage trope thanks to that superdickery site, but the sheer number of examples in this article alone..... It really was all her comic was about for a long time, wasn't it?

I'd be very interested in those geeklets if you wouldn't mind uploading them.

Please do. Your setup sounds pretty interesting.

By being a plaintiff in a lawsuit. That's certainly an offensive use of patents. But, maybe the best defense is a good offense?

Interesting. I got the torrent-only version of the service working on Windows by using the uTorrent add-on. I'm on Mac and Linux now and I use their full VPN service with the only caveat being that I had to specially ensure that all my network traffic was routed through them. Torrents seem to work fine and sites

VOTE: BTGuard (they have a VPN service)

"Is it okay for me to say that I'm a little glad we're doing so poorly in our case against Megaupload kingpin Kim Dotcom?"

I used to triple boot Windows, some distribution of Linux, and Snow Leopard on my old 2007 black MacBook back in the day.

Does symbolic linking work with Box like it does with Dropbox? I symbolically link my whole documents folder on my computer to Dropbox a while back and this allowed me to keep the same file structure on my computer. If so, I might make the switch...

Three words: Start. Button. Gone.

Or you know, maybe some people actually like the Apple keyboards.