
With regard to Airplay Mirroring, the author states, " In fact, I live in fear that this feature won't be fully available in the final version." My question is, did it make it into the final version with the full functionality described in the article? Can I use it to mirror, say, videos playing from VLC to my home

The race track at the top of the post is made by a company named Darda. I had some of their tracks as a kid and I can say this: they are amazing. I highly recommend their tracks and wind-up cars to anybody interested in acquiring model racing toys. They blow Hot Wheels, etc. out of the water for coolness in my

I have 250GB on my main computer, but almost 3TB in various other places. With backups and media storage, it's not nearly enough. So to answer the question, yes, I need as much space as I can get.

Except five minutes of Wikipedia research ACTUALLY demonstrates that the slave question pervaded every major issue leading up to the Civil War and throughout its course. Why was there a Missouri Compromise? Because Southerners were afraid there were too few slave states represented in the Senate. Why was the South

The Republican platform of the 1860s consisted of three basic things: (1) halting the expansion of slavery, (2) abolishing polygamy (Utah terrirotry) and (3) increasing the tariff on imported goods so as to favor Northern industrial interests. The South left the Union upon the election of Lincoln because they feared

Wow, I never thought I'd see a Caravaggio in a Gizmodo post. Personally though, I like the Gentileschi vesion better: [goo.gl]

I am highly offended by the picture attached to this post. There is no way that Scrooge McDuck would make ANY of the mistakes RIM CEOs have. In fact, with Scrooge at the helm, RIM would be rolling in multiple vaults of swimmable money every single day.

Wait, so you're telling me that some people in vegetative states might actually be aware of the fact that they are trapped in their own, unmovable, bodies? It seems to me that these studies have just uncovered some true horrors then.

One year in jail is pretty light for what is basically involuntary manslaughter. We need more sentences like this to deter dangerous texting and driving.

I'm not sure which European country your from, but I'll take this time to throw out my compliments to Amsterdam's airport security. While passing through, I forgot to remove my laptop from my bag and put it in a seperate tray. The security officer was very friendly whem he inspected my bag and cordially helped me

When you talk about "ensuring a healthy society" by ostracisizing "those who display undesirable characteristsics," you sound an awful lot like some of the worst people in history who used ideas like that to justify genocide, forced sterilizations, and more. It may be human nature to judge, but it's also human nature

But he DID lose over 100lbs before becoming Supreme Court Justice! I have to give the man props for losing that much weight and for being appointed to the highest court after serving as President.

That's funny. I usually try to vote for the person I believe to be most qualified for the job. But you know, callously basing everything on physical appearance works too.

So.... the way to keep the internet free is to make sure online pornography is actively viewed in every Orthodox Jewish home?

Fair point. It was a guess.

What about She'ol?

I am not Jewish, let alone orthodox. However, I think these folks have a point. I know many if not most Gawker/Gizmodo readers view pornography on the internet. However, I'm fairly sure that most people who have families with children would prefer to protect them from online porn, at least until the children of

So you fell into category (2) of my list. Fair enough. Was there some larger point you wanted to go along with that?

Here's a better link then: [goo.gl]. The link I provided before applied to those who renounce their citizenship. The two I provide now demonstrates how the US taxes worldwide income on ALL its expatriates (see also [en.wikipedia.org]). I'm not sure where you lived where you didn't have to pay taxes, but I would

I assure you, despite the fact that the law does not apply to you unless you renounce your citizenship, you'll get screwed by the US Government.