Can you explain brake pads? Charging a civic owner 250 bucks for pads then another 75 in labor then tax and whatnot sounds pretty awful to me.
Can you explain brake pads? Charging a civic owner 250 bucks for pads then another 75 in labor then tax and whatnot sounds pretty awful to me.
Then why would Honda add them? They aren’t usually in the business of adding BS to add it, especially as far as the S2K is concerned. I know that the Spoon exhaust was made and tuned specifically for their header, but to say that Honda added metal bits to the car, thus weight for no reason is an interesting assumption.
She’s of indigenous decent so I think she can speak to some tensions in Taiwan around that. Honestly I’m just happy the KMT didn’t win again.
Unless he made money off of it, then it puts it into interesting territory for California, if this douche can find evidence that the uber driver made money off of the video, it may be actionable.
This is exactly the same here in Japan. Which is why were all part of the whole international drivers license thing. Cheers.
This actually isn’t the case. Cars in California (at least the cabs) are “in plain view” as far as search and seizure laws are concerned. And there is no law against submitting video as evidence into a case that was taken in public or “in plain view” situations. (Think about how useless surveillance video would be!)…
I mean the spoon exhaust is single, but i’d imagine that would need a tune. They also use a diffuser in the back which doesn’t have any holes the exhaust comes in just under the diffuser.
This! Why is it empty? The s2000 already comes with a dual exhaust, and the F22 was already tuned to hell and back, why would you change the exhaust?
But yeah if the reasoning is “any disc drive will scratch a disc if you move it.” I can’t imagine how it made it this far.
lol I know of people who really believe this today. I hate explaining that it says if removed by anyone BUT the customer.
Manga, and Anime in its current form and style didn’t really pop up till the early 1900's. Manga specifically during the aftermath of WWII.
Honestly I don’t mind commercials. I understand them, and respect that they are there. But when cable charges you like 80-120 bucks for access, then you have to factor in 15 minutes of commercials for a 45 minute “hour long” tv special and 10 for normal episodes, you can take a fucking hike.
ah okay
It was just idkfa
This is just awful for a game with prone, they should know better.
That’s still going to be a problem for another 18-25 years. Japan doesn’t have a negative birthrate yet.
Yes because people who assume all Japanese men who play games are quiet otaku hikkikomori are totally correct! Way to paint with that large brush. Just because a couple Americans think that most Americans are gun toting showoffs doesn’t make it so. The statistics and countrie’s survey is against you. Please try harder.
Not the point. The point is Japan doesn’t have a good nursing home system, and they are working on it. Also that having kids doesn’t solve the elderly problem.
Ok first of all, please don’t use code when you write posts on forums. It’s lame and makes you look like a prick.