
By what metric? Everything I look up either doesn’t have Brazil at all or has all Japan and Canada being above Brazil.

The problem is not that they are enforced en-masse it is that they can choose to be enforced when “convenient” or to gain leverage.

What kind of sleaze bag plays a game to 100% then asks for a refund? Seriously...

You can be a capitalist society and still have certain socialized services Japan does this extremely well. No one in their right mind would not consider Japan, Canada, or many other European countries, capitalist, they absolutely are. The way the US deals with this stuff is straight up a US culture and lobbying

Socialists absolutely discourage class divisions.

I think the issue is not home prices it’s that he built his purchasing power on the backs of socialist ideals and isn’t willing to bend his comforts for the cause that gave him the purchasing power.

It’s sort of the principle of the matter here, especially since Fornite itself was a 100% ripoff of PUBG that Epic started on while supporting PUBG and Epic stopped helping the solo dev with engine support as a result of it.

Capitalism is about assigning value to labor. It is about saying “Your labor is worth $X because it generates $x in revenue.”

Nah, if you think socialism is about reshuffling class divisions, you’re wrong. Or feel free to cite socialist literature that is encouraging new class divisions.

Socialism is about valuing labor? Then why are socialists against capitalism, which already is pretty explicitly about valuing labor?

Socialism is about breaking down class division and the resulting unjust hierarchy, not just reshuffling how we do class division.

None of this is correct. What he does for money is work. That is not the definition of work in socialism.

But you should be, that’s quite literally the basis of what we’re discussing and why people are mad. You also made the assertion that all jobs are equal and that’s what socialism is about, which in and of itself is a form of policing.

You don’t need to be a socialist to be able to point out hypocrisy. I can say his job benefits no-one therefor is less valuable than the doctors trying to save COVID patients lives, and magically he’s buying nicer houses than they are in LA. He could have literally helped to build houses for the homeless, and that

Before I became a software engineer at Blizzard I worked there in QA. The pay was way lower. I started at $5.25 an hour working night shift in Orange County (7pm to 3am) doing busy work and paper checklists for WoW 1.5. This was back in the early 2000s before California’s minimum wage hike. There was a probationary

They would buckle eons before they would even come close to mass layoffs.

I get what you are saying but there is a conundrum here. When the company doesn’t make money it gives a good excuse to remove “troublesome” (those who speak out) employees without undergoing scrutiny... There have been more than a couple times I was asked to “keep my head down” when calling out exploitative overtime

They should now unionize.

The only way to make real changes is for the talent to stop working for crappy companies, and for morons to stop lining up to work for said crappy companies.

I bet each one of these idiots buckles their seatbelt without a second thought each time they get in the car