
We wanted juicy gossip not allegations of child abuse :(.

i feel like y’all are baiting us, taunting us to see if we’re going to bring up BrexPitt, and you know you’re only setting us up to fail

Sure, but I think it’s a bit harsh to imply someone is of sub-par intelligence because they made a wild guess or expressed a hunch based off a blind-item gossip bit.

They sure do, but they definitely don’t cover Brad or the Coreys careers in history classes.

Do you work for Star? You do now!

Isn’t Pitt too young for that to be him, though? I feel like he wasn’t a big enough star in the Eighties.


Why don’t you take a moment to think about this callous and irrelevant remark?

Um, maybe she was distracted because she lost her father on Friday?

Word. All the concern trolling is fucking stupid. “I just want her to be happy! But I think talking with a British accent is a key symptom of bipolar disorder and I am so worried xoxo Brit Brit take care of you!!” Take a seat, you gossip-mongering, armchair psychologists.

Now playing

Britney uses her British accent when she’s in a good mood. That’s all it means.

Maybe it’s not normal behavior to you, but I talk and laugh to myself all the time. I don’t use a British accent, no, but only because mine SUCKS.

People offended by Colin Kaepernick sitting.

Because when you want hard-hitting perspective about how the world really works, you go to a 24 year old blond who's putting together an audition reel for a sweet FoxNews gig.

I don’t think this necessarily offers hope for humanity, but I wouldn’t say it’s just basic decency for a guy who went to the school expecting to be fawned over by excited kids to instead sit down with a lonely, awkward boy who probably didn’t even know who he was.

Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.

There’s nothing really more to say other than that I hope she’s okay. Some people are monsters.