
They’re baaaack...

AMAZING. This was my favorite new show of 2015. I cannot wait for the new season.

I can’t wait for season two of this show. Now that they’ve gotten some critical acclaim, I hope they use it to push boundaries further.

I am sort of baffled by this statement. If you don’t want any comments, don’t publish on a blog with a comment function. Am I misunderstanding you? Honest question

If there is a woman alive who has not had this experience, I’d like to meet her, because she is a rare, rare creature. I’m so grateful to you for sharing your story and elaborating on the complexity of consent. So many people want to make it a black-and-white, yes-or-no issue, and the more people who stand up and say

Jez actually did a pretty interesting (and disturbing) article a while back that discussed how sexual relationships are extremely common between children and their parents who reconnect later in life.

Genetic Sexual Attraction is a real disorder that isn’t totally uncommon in a situation where an adult child meets their biological parent after years of separation. They didn’t bond as parent and child and so it opens the door to all this craziness. Not justifying it - just saying that it’s kind of ‘normal’ in an

I like Ricky Gervais and his humor. And honestly, all the hate and outrage he gets here on this site just makes me shake my head.

I wonder the nationality of the person who refused to let someone use the phone and the nationality of the father. I also think there is a very special place in hell for those who refuse to help other’s in an emergency. I think people should be publicly shamed for being assholes.

begged to use the phone to call the police, and he’d refused: “He was acting like he was drunk.”

Yes, because drunk people never have emergencies, too.

I get it, she was TERRIBLE in AHS and didn’t really deserve the award. That being said, FUCK YOU LEONARDO diCAPRIO, you piece of shit. I hope when he is at the oscars AND LOOOOOOSES, someone turns around, points directly at him, and starts belly laughing.

Also Jamie Foxx’s reaction to Quentin Tarantino’s offensive use of the word “ghetto” was pretty priceless.

me neither, i don’t get whats so special about him, he is not even that pretty

He deserved one for Wolf Of Wall Street. He was playing a loathsome person but it was a phenomenal performance.

I’ll be honest. I do not like Leonardo DiCaprio.

I think I’ll enjoy it either way.

Riiiight. I was definitely getting that read.

I do not doubt that Jordan is the world’s biggest Celine Dion fan.

I honestly hope that is exactly what happens, just because the team deserves the fanbase (or lack thereof) that they’re creating. St. Louis might be perfectly capable of supporting the rams, but at this point one would hope that the city is also smart enough to NOT put money into their pockets.