
You’re thinking of ten years when they were at the bottom of their depreciation curve. Almost anything 1990's Japanese sports car is worth double now what it was ten years ago.

For the longest time only sick people were being tested.

That’s the rate where they take hospitalizations compared to deaths and it is that high. (Crude case fatality rates)

In that case, a flat line means that things are, in fact, still getting worse.

Not necessarily. I was in school when the style handbooks still had you type two spaces. After decades of that it’s a hard habit to break. I’m trying in this response but decades of typing muscle memory makes it a very difficult habit to break. Though I initially learned to type on typewriters, the double-space wsa

Five fingers of Scotch.

Five fingers of Scotch.

I clicked the link to the DHS article, and I see no link to submit anything on-line. How the heck to do I do it?  My license needs to be renewed in June and I want to start this shit now.

I’m having a hard time believing this is really a problem. I’m 5'9' and I’ve always had several inches of clearance between my knees and a reclined seat. I’ve never had a airline cup knocked over by reclining seats (if you put a tall water bottle there, that’s your own fault). I don’t try to use a laptop on the tray

Same situation for me. Tall and someone reclining in front of me makes no difference in comfort. Makes opening a laptop a pain, but doesn’t affect my legs.

Do I like it when people recline? No. But am I going to be an asshole and tell you NOT to recline? No.

nope. i dont talk to people on an airplane. ill recline thanks

I’m 6'2"...someone reclining in front of me effects my legs space 0%. If they didn’t want the seat to wouldn’t have that function. 

I don’t recommend anyone ask to recline unless they intend to yield if the other person denies their request.  It is super rude to ask with false pretense.  Expect you will be denied. Travelers are very petty, entitled, bitter.

Ok, we get it. You hate Trump. You hate Trump so much you wrote a 10 page essay on the history of US Diplomacy.

And, just like that, US Aiways was reborn

You wrote this in a much kinder way than I was going to. Thanks.

Not trying to be insulting, but this watch and all the others in its class are made for a different brand of crazy. And that is how it should be reviewed. It’s silly that anyone asked any Kinja editor to review this beast at all**.

The point is that this person should not be reviewing it because it is not made for them, marketed to them, or offer anything to justify itself for them. The Serbon’s point is valid and true. Although I wouldn’t have used the word biased. More that this reviewer is out of market for the intended customer.

I am not sure if your Giz office assigns the review to the least qualified person because they know they will get an article where reviewer will concentrate on all the wrong things and start spitting all over it due to all the wrong reasons. It seems, long gone, are the days where Giz wrote unbiased review, especially

This is one of those things that's obviously true, but most people most of the time won't actually do this and probably benefit more from the "compulsory savings" of extra taxes.