
My dentist said after a certain age there’s no point in pulling wisdom teeth unless there’s something wrong that you need to.

Maybe this is too obscure but sometimes I just remember that there is a bull statue at the NYSE

Speaking of petty travelers, I got into the exit row once (yay!) and the lady in front of me could not recline her seat...I assume because it would encroach on the exit row space and boy did she raise hell. I would say about the verbal equivalent of the viral video guy hitting the seat but instead spent the entire

An awesome follow up to this (if it wasn’t done already) would be a pantry organization of these items. Like containers for each staple, etc.

In addition to my full time job I’ve earned several part time incomes on the side over the years, both my salary and those have slowly increased over time.

Came to post this..thank you

That’s a great question, I had to look her up.  I didn’t realize she had such a limited movie career.  I’d go watch the movie again if I knew where to find a VHS player

Don’t worry it will be cut off the right side in vertical mode so you don’t have to see it

Back when it was about “the man, not the machine”— where have I seen that sequel before...

With the leaves down I made an unexpected discovery that I drive by a farm field with a few tall trees and an eagle nest on my way to work.

It’s the only car left, I bet they’re going to call all the “cars” or “non-trucks” Mustangs now, just to make it more of a brand.  Not saying I like it.

I broke my arm and I’m glad I did.

First thought I had about the pickup behind the bus stop in that second photo


Tell me I’m not the only one

This was actually the sort of idea I was hoping to get from this article.  My Skype connection is so finnicky when I’m anything but docked at my desk.  If I so much as look at my computer wrong when I’m remote it goes to sleep or interrupts the connection somehow and then I appear offline.  For a company who never

My friend from Denver liked to point out that he always knew west because of the mountains.

Am I the only one who is hung up on the linking Google and Spotify accounts part?