
My last jump the increase was not much especially when you factored in commute, their health care coverage, and some other factors but I followed a similar logic that it was the better path.  Point is, it doesn’t have to be a cut but some people need a big bump to leave but they should be considering even lateral if

I guess I’m doing it wrong

I think I made $1 for every year old I was weekly.  Now that was 25+ years ago but I feel like it’s not that far off....

We had at least one time through the training where we had to pass victims to move further into the building.  The person pulling on my pant leg, covered in blood begging me and asking me why I won’t help her still haunts me.

I have done this training, with blank rounds, fake blood and everything, as a first responder. I can promise you from just being on that side, having kids there would be very traumatic for them.

I know this feeling, and I don’t know the answer (yet) but it has been pointed out to me that running “hot” as I call it, never stopping, and fearing what anxiety/dread is doing more harm than good. I’m a long ways from having that solved but it is clear to me now that is needs to be, keeping busy or whatever to avoid

The only VHS I ever stole. I rented it in a time it was hard to come by and I couldn’t bring myself to let it out of my sight. Eventually as the late fees mounted and the letters kept coming I decided I must do what had to be done. My mission: to outlive/outlast the “Video Hits Store” (V.H.S., get it?).

I have definitely been known to, from time to time

Problem with Mauna Kea right now is no one is getting up the mountain with the road closed and the protests.  It is a worthwhile visit to the summit if you can do it, but I would be nervous putting it on the itinerary until things settle down a bit.

If you don’t have a preference for the old style bulbs won’t most people opt for LED anyway? I have been slowly replacing my house bulbs since I moved in eight years ago. The only thing left is the little night light sized bulbs in my stairway fixtures (which I think this covers).

I’m willing to bet the Cool Ranch and Fiery Doritos tacos are underperforming because every combo with the Dorito option defaults to the other one.  Booooooo

Malware is one thing, but any idea if the scans themselves were somehow compromised?

In MN, run a box fan in the night to exhaust the heat and draw cool air in.  Shut everything and the blinds in the morning.  My house rarely breaks 75°.  I think the only time I’ve run the AC all year was when it was so hot that even at night it was in the upper 70s otherwise I could set it to 78 but it still wouldn’t

I have driven past that farm so many times and had no idea... :(

I think you missed a couple

It happened to me not that long ago, in the grand scheme of things, where I was just treading water it felt like. I made it to work and went home, sometimes not until it was bed time, but sleep and work seemed to be covered.