
I left my tablet in an early morning flight from MSP - DEN and realized it after I got off my next flight from DEN - SFO. In hindsight I should have made more effort to reach the staff in DEN because the United Airlines tool cast such a vague net it was impossible to circumvent the bureaucracy that would ensue.

I know it’s just MLS but I am actually quite fond of their treatment of this one. (though technically it needs some white in spots)

I like getting out and doing something on Friday nights, even if it’s not planned.  I am a bit extroverted to if it is around people that is a bonus.  Cram it in (not enough to ruin Saturday) and I often feel like “woohoo I still have a whole ‘nother day this weekend to burn” come Saturday afternoon

Now playing

The girl in this commercial is all grown up

Technology is one thing but it will also take 10 years of working with supply chain to get everything from the manufacturer packaged certain ways to streamline those systems.

Perfect, problem solved, how do we get the petition going before its too late?

I had the speaker and went for the display and love it. I have it near enough to the kitchen that I can reference it in there but it’s in a common area where I can enjoy the picture frame photos throughout the day and other questions are answered more visually (like the weather, the playback time of the associated

I had the speaker and went for the display and love it. I have it near enough to the kitchen that I can reference it

“to make you want to open your wrists out”

By far my #1 item: I have a couple pairs of cheap cargo pants that the legs zip off of. (CostCo carries them regularly) I wear these on most of my trips even if the climate isn’t varying wildly because I might still be cold on the plane or in the wee hours of the morning when I go to the airport. I usually zip them

I am admittedly out of shape and trying to correct it but I freak out about heart health and general health when I push myself too hard or don’t get enough sleep.  I recently had a resting EKG along with a normal blood pressure as part of a preventative schedule I do for work.  Is that enough that I can relax a

First thing to cross my mind, you nailed it

For Hawai’i I’m glad someone brought up Pele.

I have that same stainless steel Pacific Parks water bottle, drinking from it now :)

Came to post this.  Glad someone did.

Same for Hawaii, too

Haralson (another Minnesota invention, like HoneyCrisp) is my mom’s secret ingredient to her perfect pies.  Wouldn’t know it just looking at them but I can’t argue with her results.

BLOCKON code isn’t working for me

BLOCKON code isn’t working for me

Definitely a loon, btw

Now playing

What some call cheating others may call clever engineering. I can shave/adjust/add/remove this and it will change the dynamics of something else entirely. Sounds like brilliance to me.

Honolulu, but keep them in the NL so I don’t have to watch any 11pm games.