TwinTurbosOfJustice’s too painful.

I love the handful of (IMPORTED FOR) DODGE tags from those Mitsu era cars.  My Stealth didn’t have it on the car but it did have it on the owner’s manual

I’m actually doing pretty well in the equipment in my kitchen, if I just knew how to use any of it.

Thanks. She actually does pretty well with me on the board.

One of the best pieces of advice I got was “you won’t fall off the side, you’ll fall off the back or front”

This could have been written by me (especially the double door closing). My father had an ‘87, loaded with t-tops and digital dash. Best memories of my childhood in that car. In 2008 I finally decided I needed to live it again and bought this one. He passed away shortly after never getting to see the car. Sigh. Sure it’s not perfect but in 2018 it’s close


Does anyone know the real reason of the “Show More” buttons? I always assumed it was just to gauge how many people hit the page vs. stay and actually read the article

The parking ticket one reminds me of a time years ago. Around here most suburb street parking is not allowed between 2-5am (largely for snow removal but applies year around).

I always feel like it “drives cleaner”

Bonus for removeable roofs, my baby hasn’t had a top on in a decade

I actually have many POGs still and, sigh, several Bad Boy ones. They really went hand in hand in early 90s in Hawaii.

Came to post this, glad you beat me to it

Most bars I know in Minneapolis area do not keep the card. None have water coolers. Ironically, many of the craft breweries have water coolers but they often hold your card. I guess it’s one or the other for us!

All work minus the tach goes a little wonky at WOT. Car puts the one for sale to shame and I paid less :)

Digital Dash so the speedo benefit is lost on me :)

I would appreciate it, dear Jalopnik, if your mind probes would have the courtesy to stay out of my head during “me time”. Since you brought up the 3000GT/Stealth last week and now this...10 years and 2 days after I bought a near identical one (except it has the 5-speed 305). I can only assume at this point there will