
SPORTS JERSEYS! My gf didn’t care about the authenticity factor like I did for things like NHL jerseys or MLB jerseys...if they were printed instead of sewn on, no big deal. This saved us countless amounts of money shopping the children’s section for her because she could easily wear their larger sizes. The price

“...and the skeletons are?”

Is it a bad sign I didn’t even notice?

In all fairness, using the ‘play’ symbol actually makes a lot of sense since it is ubiquitous to the brand these days.

They exist outdoors too.

Does this mean we can start measuring some automotive figures in “hands” ?

I fear the massive grille won’t look as impressive when the sunlight glares off the giant one-dimensional decal that it is comprised of.

Meh, I know what I’m still holding out for

Sounds similar to Mr. Ford’s last incident

Perhaps so, I wasn’t that excited about it but I always enjoy when time travel paradoxes still result in the end of the world.

HOLY CRAP. I completely forgot about Stompers! They were my favorite.



Missed a good one near the end:

Second Best Star Trek movie? What was better?

Second Best Star Trek movie? What was better?

I find the amount of flame that comes out of the car vs. median satisfying. Not spectacular, just satisfying.

I was always convinced this is why they did it, because they could put them (or something resembling them) on hers. Dirty...