
You see that last part? They had to tie it down because it would always make a break for the door.

Re-hashed NBA game? nope.

Apple probably realized it's a waste of time and money for them to try and keep up with jailbreaks. They would have to release updates every week if they really planned on stopping it.

@RickyMouse: Ooh, so close. The answer is a cow wearing a cowboy hat.

If I was a tiger, what animal would I be?

I would ask another question, but Joel hurt my fragile interweb feelings last time.

The best part is the poor girl's "Oh my god I'm really going to die" scream.

@John-Hamptonshire: I do get what you're saying and it is an interesting point. Murdering people is always wrong, but society always sees the death of bad people as not so wrong.

@John-Hamptonshire: But the Nazis are an (almost) universally vilified group. The majority of people agree they were evil and don't mind them being killed.

I love when artists do things in a variety of mediums. Just because it's edible, doesn't mean it's not art.

@lazaruspryor: This was actually Soundgarden, but STP was pretty great, too.

I know a lady who saw a blackhole once, back in 1994...

@tylerbrainerd: Or scroll lock. Or pause/break. Or even Insert and Print Screen.

@tylerbrainerd: Yeah liike backaspace i don't need ton correct nymyself.

@Chernobyl: BuT CaN i StIlL TyPe LiKe ThIs?


@Killer Toilet: Everything you truly enjoy is mediocre at best and your family only pretends to love you!