I love this article!
I love this article!
*grope grope grope*
@Shagittarius: Right, but can I actually get anything accomplished solo? I played a bit of EQ way, way back in the day (Quit right after Shadows of Luclin) and got annoyed when I spent most of my time LFG.
Is now a good time to dive into WoW? I don't have an incredible amount of time to play but could probably fit in an hour or two every couple of days...
What does freedom mean to me?
@Chernobyl: One raised eyebrow.
From a male geek point of view, watching her get so excited about science during the NASA presentation seriously turned me on. Seeing any woman interested in science is completely hot.
And now a word from our sponsors:
With the huge amounts of high-profile cases being thrown out for prosecutor misconduct, you would think they would be a little more careful.
Fuck yeah. I'm going to go do something stupidly dangerous now because I know now I can just spray on some new skin over the road rash.
@Ding-Dang: Excellent.
@Pontos: Either way, this is the beginning of the end. Soon, we'll all be wearing vegetable hats and bowing to our rural farmer overlords.
The only reason Dogs are getting more clicks lately is because of Florence + The Machine.
That trailer looks pretty damn good. I'm guessing this will hold me over nicely until Diablo III.
Oh dear God. It has begun. FarmVille is going global.
@Kidrobotp1n0y: I guarantee his helmet didn't cost $1,500.
I'm not surprised he regretted his creation. Einstein regretted the A-bomb, too.
Dear Mr. Riccitello,
@Khoi Pham | ph15h: I think it was the twitching legs.