I didn't think I would enjoy this video as much as I did. That was fun.
I didn't think I would enjoy this video as much as I did. That was fun.
@thelastlambda: Guilty.
Looks like Wario with a bad perm to me.
@flox44: ...Um... I don't want any apples.
But it's true! By definition, you would have to first log in to log out.
I can't imagine packing foam smelling all that great but I always loved the mixture of plastic smells I'd get when opening a brand new SNES game.
*Socially akward geek checks app*
@OMFG! PierceTheVin: Weapons charges are usually treated a lot more seriously than drug possession charges.
@bokscutter: Dear Bokscutter,
This should be required reading before anyone can use email. I HATE those stupid decorated emails.
Make it cheap, like $200 cheap, and make sure the games are decent and this thing will sell like a mofo.
So when do I get to bet on brain-controlled RatCar races?
@92BuickLeSabre: Took the words out of my mouth. Except you didn't because you thought the words out and typed them here and I had nothing to do with it.
It all comes down to price.
@guitarherozer0: And at the same time you could get an SNES for $200 and the original PlayStation came out a year later with a launch price of $300. 3D0 was CRAZY overpriced when it came out.
... And we all remember how succesful 3DO was, right?
I'm always amazed what a decent artistic mind can do with fondant. That cake looks great.
@tomsomething: Thanks, pal, and thank you too Joel!
@Joel Johnson: I'm completely high and those look spectacular.