I really like that Gizmodo splash screen at the start of the video. Is that new?
I really like that Gizmodo splash screen at the start of the video. Is that new?
As a regular dude, I can't even imagine how to get rid of 10,000 HDDs. That's a whole lot of eBay auctions and Craigslist postings.
"You'd think at those rates they could at least afford a cab."
So now we're actively trying to create a thirst for brains in humans. Great, medical science. Just great.
See, mom? I need to go to Six Flags. For treatment.
@retrac: That's more of a FanBaby.
I try to keep a balanced approach to any tech. It annoys me when fanboys spout about how everything else sucks compared to their preference.
This is a fantastic idea. Why waste battery on firing up the whole thing when I could just read the text message that says "lol" on my little secondary screen?
You gotta shoot'em in the head.
Science - We're all about "could of", not "should of". - Patton Oswalt
Now, all I need is a gigantic potato, 3 pounds of cheese and a small trough of sour cream to make the worlds most awesome baked potato.
"Please relax. This won't hurt me a bit."
The book is actually kind of interesting. I still have trouble realizing that the dude is about a year younger than me and about a gazillion dollars richer than me.
@toxic: If Americans aren't Mexicans, then why do we love Mexican food so much?
"Honey, little Susie is being insolent again."
@Sublethalend: Give it one more try...
Anyone have a list of participating places for the free beer?
"Co Producer: Speed Weed"
For a moment, I thought this article was going to talk about some kind of flying spider and thought all my childhood fears were coming to life.