
My Sephiroth beat up your honor student.

I don't have to fight any Alabama trouser snakes in this game, do I?

@Krakenstein: Maybe, unless you're a Soul Bbrother. Too buku.

I don't know if alcohol is good for you, but Racer 5 IPA is definitely good for me.


Ew, Silver Lake... But I guess I can brave the hipsters for some zombie fun.

@CommodoreRake: You get to hold your wife/girlfriend's purse while she shops. Congrats!

In other news, I'm now searching for an Indian Atheist to be my next speech writer.

I didn't know Miles from Lost was a prison guard...

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

At this point, the expectations are so high that unless the game is simply stunning, people will keep talking crap.

@Ding-Dang: Also, the tooth fairy is your parents. Sorry.

Do they think that soldiers are going to sympathize with the pixelated Taliban man? Would a soldier who purchased it off of the base get reprimanded for even having it on the base?

Watching Apple taking jabs at other companies is starting to get fun.

I. Fucking. Love. Aphex. Twin.

Red Dead Redemption and Tiger Woods 10.