My Sephiroth beat up your honor student.
My Sephiroth beat up your honor student.
I don't have to fight any Alabama trouser snakes in this game, do I?
@Krakenstein: Maybe, unless you're a Soul Bbrother. Too buku.
@Hearthatvoiceagain says catch a falling star: Bear Republic out of California has a lot of good stuff. Plus, like Yinzer said, there's plenty of microbreweries around the country making insanely good brews.
I don't know if alcohol is good for you, but Racer 5 IPA is definitely good for me.
Ew, Silver Lake... But I guess I can brave the hipsters for some zombie fun.
@CommodoreRake: You get to hold your wife/girlfriend's purse while she shops. Congrats!
In other news, I'm now searching for an Indian Atheist to be my next speech writer.
I didn't know Miles from Lost was a prison guard...
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
@SkipErnst: Yup.
At this point, the expectations are so high that unless the game is simply stunning, people will keep talking crap.
@Ding-Dang: Also, the tooth fairy is your parents. Sorry.
Do they think that soldiers are going to sympathize with the pixelated Taliban man? Would a soldier who purchased it off of the base get reprimanded for even having it on the base?
Watching Apple taking jabs at other companies is starting to get fun.
@orphic1 a.k.a. Ponderous Juice: People say this type of thing a lot but I truly mean it:
I. Fucking. Love. Aphex. Twin.
Red Dead Redemption and Tiger Woods 10.
@Hello Mister Walrus: Nothing quite like cooking (your crotch) with an open flame.