
@Stradigos: In the "Strangle A Special Ed Girl, Touch Her, and Hide Her With A Bike" quest.

@jimstoic: True, but that ruling can be used as persuasive evidence in any other circuit. It wouldn't take much for it to be applied nationwide.

@Curves: Tequila is much more cost effective for your needs than this likely expensive machine.

...which is way its so damn offensive to have someone randomly shoot the head off your horse in online play.

@Ridley: Once another carrier gets the iPhone A LOT of people are going to jump ship from AT&T. Also, new users likely won't go for them if their other options for phones are crap. Why get an iPhone on crappy coverage AT&T when I can go somewhere else and get an iPhone with better coverage? The iPhone on AT&T will

That big open area in the Impact map looks like sniper heaven.

"And that there's no word yet on when—or if—we can expect a Froyo update."

Ringdroid is a must, in my book. I use it CONSTANTLY to set up ringtones for new contacts and to set up songs as my alarm clock.

I nearly shat myself seeing an i5 for $299. Too bad it isn't so...

So, wall running and sliding kinda like that game Wet? If the execution is better, I'm in.

@VagEnthusiast: He's entitled to do whatever he wants with his name and artistic credibility in the name of a dollar. Doesn't mean I have to like or respect him for it.

@VagEnthusiast: No, because he'll do anything for money now. The past two years have been one cash grab after another.

I like that once they both started blasting him, he seemed to stop for a moment.

Yet another reason why I'm losing faith in Snoop.

I haven't been this excited about a fighting game since Tekken 3. Everything about this game sounds like it was made for an old fart like me.

So I'm guessing this is going to be a side-view fighter like SF and not 3D like every Tekken game? Kind of disappointing...

@tomsomething: I feel like I've been lied to as well. I pictured all of ancient Greece in black and white.