
This motion gaming thing just got interesting for me... Resident Evil on Move, please?

I don't understand, if people are so interested in calculating the digits of pi, why we don't just leave some super computer on 24/7 just to spit out pi digits for the rest of our lives.

Did they ever fix the crazy weapons and armor hacks that were rampant before? Totally made the game boring after a while.

@jedimaster: Straight against hate, I always say.

@farcedude: But its a disease! You can catch it if they sneeze in the same room as you! Just like HIV!

@CHARLIEBITME: How about you keep your religious traditions out of my government? Thanks.

Its not what you think! It was cold outside! I had just got out of the pool! There was a breeze blowing!

Let me take your coat for you, madam.

First the Bioshock movie is no more and now this. I'm kinda glad, though.

@FroderickFronkensteen: Yes, but my female cat does respond to the name "Pickle stitches". For reals.

@Elaken: I agree. On a first meeting, it would be really weird for anyone to call a girl "sugar britches" or "pumpkin pie".

@PaintedTrollop: Pleased to make your day, my little midget ninja.

Honestly, the women I've dealt with love the pet name thing. Lovingly calling a girl puddin', darling, sweetcakes and sugar plum have all gotten me the female attention I wanted.

@Cyb3r_Punk: Close to Los Alamitos here. We may as well just drive to LA.

I can't wait to fling tomahawks at Mexicans and prostitutes and Mexican prostitutes.

Wow. Thanks for shitting on my dreams, EA.

As I tell all my good friends on their birthday:

@efrains2: Agreed. In Latin, sinister means "on the left side/left-handed".