
I'm only interested if it's a remake of Moonwalker for Genesis.

Marmite and Flight of the Conchords are the two main exports of New Zealand. Lord of the Rings photography is a close third.

"Well I really only remember being alive for 11 or so of the past 16 years of my life, and those were, like, pretty cool, I guess. I've met Usher and one year my parents took me to Chuck E. Cheese for my birthday. The big mouse scared me."

Awesome. Just plain awesome.

@hutch_a_butch: As long as they give me +1 XP for killing random NPCs in Free Roam, I'm going to kill random NPCs in Free Roam. XP is XP. ;)

"10 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, a mechanical penis sputters to life."

I have no idea what I just watched and also no idea why I want it so bad.

@smakus: That box looks awesome.

Free upgrade to white iPhone for customers with problems. White iPhone magically has the needed special coating on the antenna.

I'm in the minority (pun intended) that actually understood what you were getting at. Too bad some people see only what they want to see.

@WoundedBum: You gotta stick with the classics. If this Activision game sells enough, I hope EA re-births the "Strike" franchise.

The only helicopter combat game I've ever truly loved.

This also works for *ahem* other herbs. Special herbs. Herbs that will likely be legalized in California in November.

I like to carry one phone from each network, just in case I don't have enough bars from any one of them. Quadruple fisting.

The trick is to include mention of the week's Blue Light Specials in your review. They'll post it guaranteed.

So the moral of the story is:

You could put 12 Ronald McDonalds and a pile of bacon in that picture and I would still be looking at sexy little Carla Bruni.

@thewitchandthemoll: Make that two checks, because apparently I write like Stephen King as well.

Now playing

I'm usually not a fan of mash-ups but that Danger Mouse album is incredible. I can't even hear the original Jay-Z versions anymore without wanting to hear the Grey Album version.